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About Mz. Stigy

Mz. Stigy's been drawing for as long as she's been breathing.

Her favorite subjects are the fictional ladies she had crushes on growing up, and she's overjoyed to share them with you. Either here, or on her Patreon.

About D.A. Stigy

D.A. Stigy first took the plunge into digital art at the dawn of the millennium. That said, it takes him a bout a decade to figure out an internet trend, so be patient with the old fossil.

News & More!

Ep 1: What S is Watching - or - THAT Escallated Quickly
Folks, I am officially an old. I miss the NON-SPECIAL original version of my show.I went into this re-watch of the classic Robotech cartoon (No, Robotech is not an anime, even if it's made of anime. It's a meaningless distinction I draw to ...
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Ep 0: What J is Watching
*pats S on the helmet* My turn sweetie.Fact is, we've both been taking a tour of the recent Crunchyroll's absorption (very conflicted about this) of Funimation's old catalog. Perhaps predictably, I settled on Starblazers 2199 and it's sequel series, ...
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Ep 0: What S is Watching
I'm going to start a series of blog posts here about what I'm watching. I usually have something on streaming most of the day. If I'm working, it's probably something I've seen dozens of times and can just relegate to backgro...
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Turnabout is fair play...
J answered these, so I guess it's my turn. Here we go!Not to be rude, but are you real?I'm as real as you are.How long have you two been together?We met back in elementary school. I asked J out the last day of junior year of high school.Wha...
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Open Says-a-me!
Hi everybody! I'm J, aka Mz. Stigy.Just wanted to take a moment to answer a few questions that have accumulated. ;)Not to be rude, but are you real?Yes, I am a real person, a real woman, and really S's wife. ;)How long have you two been tog...
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