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Ep 0: What S is Watching

I'm going to start a series of blog posts here about what I'm watching. I usually have something on streaming most of the day. If I'm working, it's probably something I've seen dozens of times and can just relegate to background.

Case in point, with the folding in of the Funimation catalog to Crunchyroll (FINALLY!), I recently started re-watching one of the most controversial shows of the early anime movement in North America: Robotech.

Now, I realize that there are a vast field of rakes here for me to step on, and I'm sure that I'll step on a few as we proceed, but let me explain why I still have a soft spot for this show. First, back in 85, it wasn't like I could hop online and download the latest episode of Macross or Mospeda fansubbed (they aired concurrently at one point). Heck, in 85 I didn't even know what anime WAS. But here was a show with complex storytelling, interesting characters, transforming mecha... everything little Stigy's heart desired. Grownup me still sees the show itself in that context.

That said... Harmony Gold are just about the worst people on the face of the earth. They have been a constant barrier to anime entering this country when they didn't have to be. Furthermore, they haven't ADDED anything of substance to the pop culture landscape in almost two decades.

Now that that's out of the way... my thoughts on the first few episodes of the original "Macross Saga" arc of Robotech in Part Two, coming soon. ;)