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Marcuse Herbert - Eros and Civilization (Routledge, 1998)


Danilo Kis-Noc i magla


Dostoevsky, Fyodor - Crime and Punishment


Marcuse Herbert - Essay on Liberation (Beacon, 1969).


The Ranger's Apprentice Series (Complete 10 Book Set)


Kafka, Franz - Letters to Milena (Schocken, 1990)


Branimir Johnny Stulic - Autobiografija, intervjui & poezija


Marcuse Herbert - Essential Marcuse, The (Beacon, 2007)


Eco, Umberto - Foucault's Pendulum


Kafka, Franz - Letters to Ottla & the Family (Schocken, 1982)


Marcuse, Herbert - Five Lectures (Beacon, 1970)


Twilight of the Idols


French, Tana - Ryan 1 & 4


Marcuse Herbert - Hegel's Ontology & Theory of Historicity (MIT, 1987)


Dawkins, Richard - The Ancestor's Tale


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