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Gramsci, Antonio - Selections from Cultural Writings (Electric Book Co., 1999)


Watts, Alan - Book, The (Vintage, 1989)


Aristotle - Prior Analytics (Hackett, 1989)


Evans, Richard J. The Third Reich Trilogy


Kafka, Franz - The Trial


Marko Jačov Venecija i Srbi u 18 veku


Mediji, propaganda i sistem Noam Chomsky


Kuhn Thomas - Structure of Scientific Revolutions


Aristotle - Topics, Books I & VIII (Oxford, 1997)


Building Unique and Useful Kids' Furniture - 24 Great Do-It-Yourself Projects


Gramsci, Antonio - Selections from Political Writings, 1910-1920 (Lawrence & Wishart, 1977)


Stojan Novaković Primeri književnosti i jezika staroga i srpsko-slovenskoga


Watts, Alan - Buddhism_ The Religion of No-Religion (Tuttle, 1999)


Gramsci, Antonio - Selections from the Prison Notebooks (International, 1971)


Orwell, George - All Art Is Propaganda (Harcourt, 2008)


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