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Jorg Bewersdorff - The Mathematics of Games


Collins, Suzanne The Hunger Games 1 & 3


Radoslav M. Grujić Spomenica o srpskom pravoslavnom vladičanstvu Pakračkom


Watts, Alan - Cloud-Hidden, Whereabouts Unknown (Vintage, 1974)


Giddins, Steve - New In Chess - The First 25 Years


Whitman, Walt - Leaves of Grass


Kerouac, Jack - Dharma Bums


Orwell, George - Animal Farm & 1984 (Harcourt, 2003)


Watts, Joan (ed.) - Collected Letters of Alan Watts (New World Library, 2017)


Edgar Moren-Duh vremena 1 & 2,pdf


Diogeneš August Šenoa


Popper, Karl - All Life is Problem Solving


Fforde, Jasper A Thursday Next Novel (6 book series)


Kerouac, Jack - On The Road


Watts, Alan - Does It Matter (New World Library, 2007)


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Love Books ,chess ,music..