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Nabokov, Vladimir - Lolita


Watts, Alan - In My Own Way (New World Library, 2007)


Ante Kovacic - U registraturi


Miller, David (ed.) - Popper Selections (Princeton, 1985)


Tal, Mikhail - The Life and Games of Mikhail Tal


Mitnick, Kevin - Ghost in the Wires


Plato - Republic


Watts, Alan - Joyous Cosmology (New World Library, 2013).


John Searle - Speech Acts


Popper, Karl - Poverty of Historicism (Harper & Row, 1961).


Scalzi, John - Old Man's War 1 & 3


Plato - Phaedrus


Watts, Alan - Legacy of Asia and Western Man (John Murray, 1937)


Popper, Karl - Quantum Theory and the Schism in Physics (Rowman & Littlefield, 1982)


Plato - Parmenides


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