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What do you need to heal?

Stepping into all that I am especially in this time of revolution and change. I feel like we are all in a whirlwind of change and spiritual awakening. The time to be all in our spiritual life is here. We need to make the changes we need to make to embrace our spiritual team, including Goddesses, Archangels, Ascended masters, Ancestors and guides.

When you stop and ask yourself what it is that you need to contribute to this planet of ours to help it heal. You step into a room that is dedicated to healing in ways that are unusual to us in our conscious mind because we have seen it before.

We know it because we have embraced and embodied it in another time, another life. We are awakening to our trueself and unleashing what has been lying dormant for entirely too long.

See this time of upheaval and death as a thing to come close to us. Walk into the places that we are being called to without hesitation. Do not see this as a time of devastation. For it has been resent for a long time. It is a time of course correction. Times needed to change for a long time, but that is not even what this is about.

This is about the Ancestors and master's fight. Our eyes are opening to all the injustices that have been there for centuries, even millennia. With our senses as spiritual beings having a human experience, we are experiencing the devastation that has been around us for many lives.

In recognizing and realizing the dawn of a new age, when justice will finally prevail and stepping into the spiritual reality, not only the love and light, but the real on a deeper level that we have been called to illuminate.

Now is not the time to shy away from this fight. It is not the time to shrink, but to expand and explode as the need arises. It is time to rise and embrace all our shadows and be a way shower to those who have lost their way.

Expanding in our consciousness is no longer an option. It is a requirement. It is a time of holy revolution and upheaval. The status quo has been disrupted and we have to fully embrace the spirit and listen intently to what we cannot always see with our human eyes. To dive out of practicality and into spirit to sort through the things in life that we have no human explanation for.

In order to view the truth for what it really is and not the version that has been shoved down our throats for way too many lifetimes.

Who will take up the mantle to stand fiercely for what is right and step into all the places that spirit is calling us to go? When will we stop being scared to stand for righteousness and not the righteousness that we have been taught, but the real truth according to spirit?