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About Us

Whealthy Youniversity was birthed out of sheer passion to help the people develop personally, turn their passions to profits and scale their business.

You usually hear, "Health is Wealth" well, health is an expensive commodity now and you can bet your bottom dollar, the cleaner you want to eat, the healthier you want to be, the more it costs, which is why we believe Wealth is Health. Health is now an investment. In order to afford the best of the best health care, fitness, food, water, education, resources and materials, it comes with a cost.

Yes you can be Vegan, but can you trust the food unless you grow it yourself? How can you grow it yourself if you don't own land? If you don't have a home, a yard, fertile soil, an in house hydropnics station, and lacking funds and resources?

We innerstand the times we are living in, and the best way to get ahead is to be on top. The separation of classes is getting broader, middle class is almost non existent, which is why we want you to win and we innerstand that in order to win, you must educate yourself and invest in yourself and connect with good mentorship.

We have the Pink Print, and we want to thank you for being here, because this is the YOUniversity of YOU, and we want YOU to be Whealthy!