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Specializing in the following:

Narcissistic Abuse

One-on-one coaching for women dealing with the aftermath of a psychological abusive relationship with a narcissist. If you are seeking guidance on how to navigate life as a victim of Narcissistic Abuse, this is for you. Whether you are co-parenting with a narcissist, in the middle of a high-conflict divorce, or simply just want to regain your confidence and walk in empowerment - this is for you. Seeking support from someone who understands on a personal level is essential to your healing process.

Post Separation Abuse

One-on-one coaching for women suffering from ongoing abuse after a partnership or marriage with a narcissist. Unfortunately, the end of the relationship is not always the end of your torment. For some, the abuse actually gets worse. That can be especially true for those who have left or divorced the narcissist, as this causes a narcissistic injury - which often sets their sights on you more. Learning the signs of post-separation abuse, and seeking the help to protect yourself is essential for you emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual well-being.

Parental Alienation

One-on-one coaching for women suffering the effects of Parental Alienation. Often, victims of Parental Alienation will experience negative changes within the relationship between themselves and their shared children with the narcissist. This is strategic on the part of the narcissist, and used to intentionally damage the child's relationship with you. Often, if other tactics are failing to control you, a narcissist will result to alienating your children from you. This is a very painful type of emotional & psychological abuse to endure, but with coaching you can start healing with purpose.

Financial Abuse

One-on-one coaching for women who are victims of financial abuse. Financial abuse is when a spouse or intimate partner has control over monetary resources/assets and uses that control to dominate the other person. Usually, the ultimate goal is to have you depend on them financially by making it difficult for you to support yourself. Financial abuse is a form of coercive control and it's common for victims to be accustomed to the isolation & manipulation involved, making it difficult to break free. But it is possible. If you want to learn more about financial abuse and get guidance in regaining your autonomy - coaching is for you.

Narcissistic Abuse Syndrome

One-on-One coaching for women suffering from chronic symptoms as a result of Narcissistic Abuse or any other form of psychological abuse. Symptoms can range from anxiety, depression, panic attacks, or insomnia all the way to chronic and severe physical illness. Each individual is affected differently, but victims of long term narcissistic abuse commonly develop C-PTSD (complex post traumatic stress disorder), which can also manifest as physical symptoms in the body. Sometimes those who were perfectly healthy prior to the toxic relationship find themselves chronically ill. If you can relate to this, let's start your healing journey.

Group Coaching

One-on-one coaching for women looking to recover from Narcissistic Abuse within a group setting. It is very common to feel as if you are going through this alone. It is such an insidious, isolating, and pervasive form of abuse - and without access to a supportive community, it can be even more isolating and harmful. Group coaching is a form of support and guidance that can help survivors of narcissistic abuse recover from the trauma and rebuild their lives by providing validation, education, empowerment, and connection. There is something so powerful about building a community with others who have walked in your shoes.


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All meetings will be conducted via Zoom unless otherwise agreed upon in advance. *Purchase is required prior to scheduling session.