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Abs @ Payhip

More currencies and eBook previews

Last updated: October 13, 2022

Here are a few notable updates that we’ve made to the Payhip platform.

More currencies

You can now sell in 24 currencies thanks to Paypal. As of today, we’ve enabled all these currencies which you can sell in and your customers can buy in.

Ebook Preview

We’ve changed the way we preview ebooks to let your customers get a taste for your ebook. Previously, we automated the process by getting a set of pages from the original ebook. However, this could only work for PDF ebooks and this isn’t the only format that exists.
So we’ve simply allowed ebook authors to upload a teaser of their ebook. This allows authors more freedom to construct their own preview from different pages of the ebook as well as adding extras in the preview if necessary.


More Features

We have a few more exciting features which we are working on and hope to release next week so stay tuned! If there are any features you would like to see on Payhip, just comment or email us.


The easiest way to sell courses, coaching, digital downloads, memberships and physical products.