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Elise Luxury Suites Business Structuring & Building Business Credit


About Me

Meet 3 Queens Credit Restoration CEO! 

Hi, I'm Johanna Davis-Jackson, certified credit specialist and certified financial coach and lover of all things finance and credit! After working on and restoring my own credit starting back in 2016, I was hooked on gaining more knowledge and know how on the process. I ensure our clients are informed, updated and kept current on all pertinent information. Creating a budget for imperative for our household when switching jobs, becoming new parents and becoming homeowners. There was no possible way we could've gotten through it without a budget to keep us on track!

I enjoy helping others achieve their goals of having better credit and purchasing their home if that is a goal for them. Credit restoration is just a part of what we do, changing lives is the forever lasting moments that matter the most. Inside our e-books, I'll provide step by step instructions on how to get to your dream goals in no time! All you have to do, is let us know when YOU are ready! 


Johanna Davis-Jackson