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Our Mission

Welcome to 5.11 Forward. We are a dynamic and innovative tech company specializing in providing top-notch ROBLOX assets and a wide range of other cutting-edge technology solutions, mostly aimed in Milsim communities. Our mission is to empower ROBLOX enthusiasts and tech-savvy individuals with the tools and resources they need to unlock their creativity and take their gaming experiences to new heights. With a team of highly skilled professionals, we strive to deliver the highest quality products and services that cater to our customers' unique needs.


What people are saying

Artboard 1

I've been with 5.11 for a long time, I joined when they had 30 members and like 4 products. I honestly give 5.11 Forward 5 stars due to their consistent high quality stuff. Later I applied for the head of marketing position to help them grow, and we had a successful journey.

— Baba

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I'mma give 5.11 a 10/10 because of their hard work and for the dedication to provide those cool products to the Milsim.

— Pain_xr

Artboard 1

Very good quality products, decently priced, I'd give the server a 9/10.

— iigameing23