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Residency Overview

Mind Science 365 Days of Applying the Law of Attraction

Mind Science Subject Area Schema: Physician Specialization / Practitioner

E=ME2 Physics

Year 1: Term 1: Cannabis Alchemy and Growth

Term 1: Personalized Education and Gardner's Theory of Multiple Intelligences

  • Month 1: Introduction to Gardner's Theory of Multiple Intelligences
  • Explore Gardner's theory, emphasizing the diverse ways individuals acquire and process information.
  • Personalized Patient Education Strategies
  • Apply Gardner's theory to the development of personalized educational materials for patients, tailoring content to individual learning preferences.
  • Problem based learning and systematic problem solving processes of application
  • Citation:
  • Author: Barrows, H. S. (1986).
  • Title: A Taxonomy of Problem-Based Learning Methods.
  • Journal: Medical Education, 20(6), 481-486.
  • DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2923.1986.tb01386.x
  • Abstract:
  • This seminal work by Howard S. Barrows provides a comprehensive taxonomy of problem-based learning (PBL) methods, emphasizing its application in medical education. Barrows discusses the principles and benefits of PBL, laying the foundation for its widespread adoption in medical curricula.
  • Examples of Systematic Problem Solving in Medical Fields with Activities Application:
  • Clinical Case Studies:
  • Activity: Designing clinical case studies where students analyze patient scenarios, identify symptoms, and propose differential diagnoses based on their knowledge.
  • Application: This encourages students to apply theoretical knowledge to real-world situations, fostering critical thinking and clinical reasoning.
  • Team-Based Problem Solving:
  • Activity: Assigning medical cases to small groups of students, promoting collaborative problem solving.
  • Application: Through discussions and collaboration, students gain insights into different perspectives, enhancing teamwork and communication skills crucial in medical practice.
  • Simulation-Based Learning:
  • Activity: Implementing medical simulations where students address simulated patient cases using available resources.
  • Application: Simulations provide a controlled environment for students to apply problem-solving skills, improving decision-making under realistic conditions.
  • Research Projects:
  • Activity: Assigning research projects that require students to investigate and solve current medical challenges.
  • Application: Engaging in research enhances problem-solving abilities, encourages independent learning, and exposes students to emerging issues in healthcare.
  • Quality Improvement Initiatives:
  • Activity: Involving students in quality improvement projects within healthcare settings.
  • Application: Students actively participate in solving real-world problems related to patient care, emphasizing the importance of continuous improvement in medical practice.
  • Problem-Based Learning Modules:
  • Activity: Developing PBL modules focusing on specific medical conditions or challenges.
  • Application: Students work through these modules, applying a systematic approach to problem-solving, including data collection, analysis, and proposing evidence-based solutions.
  • Interprofessional Case Discussions:
  • Activity: Facilitating case discussions involving students from various healthcare disciplines.
  • Application: Promoting interprofessional problem-solving enhances students' ability to collaborate, consider diverse perspectives, and understand the interdisciplinary nature of healthcare challenges.
  • These examples highlight the versatility of problem-based learning in medical education, fostering critical thinking, clinical reasoning, and collaborative problem-solving skills essential for future healthcare practitioners.

Supporting Technologies for Personalized Education:

  • Utilize interactive e-learning platforms that accommodate various learning styles, including visual, auditory, kinesthetic, and interpersonal learning.
  • Implement virtual reality (VR) simulations for immersive educational experiences, catering to spatial and experiential learners.
  • Develop a mobile application for ongoing patient education, allowing individuals to access information in a format that aligns with their preferred learning style.

Policy Implementation:

  • Individualized Patient Education Plans: Encourage physicians to assess patients' preferred learning styles using Gardner's theory and tailor educational materials accordingly to enhance understanding and compliance. Review of Barons, Mosby and DSMIV guides reviewing Cannabis policy for treatment policy and therapeutic impacts using Biopulsar Reflexograph Tool and Chat GPT prompting to assist data analysis.
  • Continued Professional Development: Integrate ongoing training for physicians in effective communication strategies based on multiple intelligences, fostering improved patient-physician interactions.
  • Collaborative Learning Environments: Promote collaborative learning environments where residents can share insights and strategies for implementing personalized education in the context of medical cannabis.
  • Patient Feedback Mechanism: Establish a feedback mechanism for patients to express their preferences and provide insights into the effectiveness of personalized educational materials, allowing for continuous improvement.
  • Research in Educational Effectiveness: Encourage residents to engage in research on the effectiveness of personalized education in improving patient understanding, adherence, and outcomes in medical cannabis treatment.

The incorporation of Gardner's Theory of Multiple Intelligences into the Cannabis Specialization Residency Program enhances the approach to patient education, recognizing and accommodating diverse learning preferences. By utilizing technology and developing personalized education plans, physicians can ensure that patients receive information in a manner that resonates with their unique cognitive strengths. This module aims to empower physicians with the skills to enhance patient engagement and optimize the educational aspect of medical cannabis treatment.

  • Month 1-2: Cannabis Alchemy Techniques
  • Extraction methods, refinement processes, and product development.
  • Month 3-4: Cannabis Growth and Cultivation - Security
  • Understanding cultivation methods, soil management, and environmental controls.

Term 2: Plant Strain Genetics and Biopulsar Reflexograph Diagnostics

  • Month 5-6: Plant Strain Genetics
  • Study of cannabis genetics, hybridization, and breeding techniques.
  • Month 7-8: Biopulsar Reflexograph Training
  • Use of Biopulsar Reflexograph tool for diagnostics in cannabis medicine.

Year 2:

Term 3: Medical Use and History of Cannabis

  • Month 9-10: History of Cannabis
  • Exploring the historical use of cannabis and its evolution to the present day.
  • Month 11-12: Medical Applications of Cannabis
  • Understanding the endocannabinoid system, therapeutic uses, and patient care.

Term 4: Long-term Impact, Strategic Planning, and Implementation

  • Month 13-14: Long-term Impact of Cannabis Use
  • Studying the potential long-term effects and risks associated with cannabis use.
  • Month 15-16: Strategic Planning for Cannabis Integration
  • Developing strategies for the incorporation of cannabis in medical practice.

Supporting Travel Tools, Assistive Technologies, and Reduction of Wait Time for Rural Physicians

  • Throughout the Mind Science program, participants will receive training on telemedicine tools and remote diagnostics to support rural physicians, healers and indigenous wellness programs.
  • Incorporate virtual reality (VR) simulations for hands-on experience, enhancing learning opportunities for remote participants.
  • Develop an app or online platform for instant collaboration and consultations.
  • Implement a comprehensive strategy to reduce wait times, ensuring efficient and timely patient care in rural areas through mobile clinical unit.

This program aims to equip physicians with a deep understanding of cannabis from cultivation to medical applications, incorporating advanced technologies for remote collaboration and diagnostics. The strategic plan addresses the future integration of cannabis in medical practice, with a focus on accessibility and reduced wait times for rural physicians.

Permanent Structure - Observation Lab

Continuation: Cannabis Specialization Residency Program

Year 2 (Continued):

Term 5: Edible Medicals and Tinctures

  • Month 17-18: Edible Medicals
  • Exploring the creation, dosing, and therapeutic applications of edible cannabis products.
  • Month 19-20: Tinctures and Sublingual Applications
  • Understanding the formulation and usage of cannabis tinctures for medical purposes.

Term 6: Micro Growth Distillery Production and Climate Response

  • Month 21-22: Micro Growth Distillery Production
  • Practical training in micro growth distillery operations, emphasizing sustainable and environmentally conscious practices.
  • Month 23-24: Observation and Response to Weather and Climate Change
  • Studying the impact of weather and climate on cannabis cultivation, and developing strategies for climate-resilient production.

Supporting Technologies for Edible Medicals and Climate-Responsive Growth:

  • Integration of advanced laboratory equipment for precise dosing and quality control in edible medicals.
  • Utilization of sensor technologies and data analytics to monitor and respond to climate variations in micro growth distilleries.
  • Collaboration with environmental experts to develop strategies for sustainable and climate-resilient cannabis cultivation practices.

Policy Implementation:

  • Patient Education and Safety: Develop educational materials for patients regarding the responsible use of edible medicals and tinctures, emphasizing proper dosing and potential interactions with other medications.
  • Regulatory Compliance: Ensure that the micro growth distilleries adhere to all local and national regulations, with a focus on sustainability, quality control, and safety standards.
  • Community Outreach: Engage with local communities to address concerns, provide information on the benefits of medical cannabis, and establish transparent communication channels.
  • Climate-Responsive Guidelines: Develop guidelines for cannabis cultivation that consider the local climate and provide recommendations for adapting to changing weather patterns, promoting environmentally friendly practices.
  • Continuous Research: Encourage residents to participate in ongoing research projects focused on the medical efficacy of different cannabis products, refining cultivation techniques, and adapting to climate change.

This comprehensive cannabis specialization residency program not only covers the core aspects of cannabis alchemy, genetics, and medical applications but also extends to the production of edibles, tinctures, and climate-resilient cultivation. By incorporating advanced technologies and policies that prioritize patient safety, regulatory compliance, and community engagement, this program aims to produce well-rounded physicians equipped to navigate the evolving landscape of medical cannabis.

Continuation: Cannabis Specialization Residency Program

Year 2 (Continued):

Term 7: Modular Inclusion of Natal Chart and Constellation Observation

  • Month 25-26: Introduction to Natal Chart Interpretation
  • Incorporate astrology into patient care by introducing the basics of natal chart interpretation, considering potential influences on individual responses to cannabis treatments.
  • Month 27-28: Constellation Observation and Cannabis Strain Personalization
  • Explore the relationship between celestial influences and cannabis strain preferences, incorporating observational practices to refine strain recommendations for individual patients.

Supporting Technologies for Natal Chart Integration:

  • Collaboration with experts in astrology to develop a user-friendly software tool for generating and interpreting natal charts.
  • Integration of AI algorithms to analyze patient data, including natal charts, to provide personalized cannabis recommendations based on astrological influences.

Policy Implementation:

  • Patient-Centric Approach: Encourage physicians to adopt a patient-centric approach that considers not only medical conditions but also the individual's astrological profile when recommending cannabis treatments.
  • Ethical Considerations: Emphasize the ethical use of astrological insights, ensuring that recommendations are evidence-based and align with established medical principles.
  • Continuing Education: Provide ongoing training in astrology and celestial observations to keep physicians updated on emerging research and best practices in incorporating natal charts into medical cannabis consultations.
  • Informed Consent: Develop clear guidelines for obtaining informed consent from patients regarding the use of astrological insights in their treatment plans, respecting individual beliefs and preferences.


The inclusion of natal chart interpretation and constellation observation in the residency program aims to explore innovative approaches to personalized cannabis medicine. By merging traditional knowledge with modern technology, physicians can offer tailored recommendations that consider both medical and astrological aspects. This holistic approach aligns with the program's commitment to continuous learning, patient-centric care, and ethical considerations in the rapidly evolving field of medical cannabis.

Term 7: Modular Inclusion of Natal Chart and Constellation Observation

  • Month 25-26: Natal Chart Integration
  • Explore the potential connections between astrology and patient response to cannabis treatment. Training includes the interpretation of natal charts to personalize medical cannabis recommendations.
  • Month 27-28: Constellation Observation
  • Integrate the study of celestial events and their potential impact on cannabis growth cycles. Emphasize the use of astrological insights in optimizing cultivation practices.

Term 8: Cannabis Wheel Development for Strain Pharmacology and Weather Observation

  • Month 29-30: Cannabis Wheel for Strain Pharmacology
  • Develop a comprehensive Cannabis Wheel that incorporates strain-specific pharmacological profiles, facilitating personalized treatment plans for patients.
  • Month 31-32: Weather and Climate Observation Tool
  • Create a weather and climate observation tool specific to cannabis cultivation. Implement a system that correlates environmental data with strain performance to optimize growth conditions.

Supporting Technologies for Astrological Integration and Cannabis Wheel: AI Artificial Intelligence Prompting Diagnostics Tools

Chat GPT Use Diagnostics / Training Language Models and Tools

  • Utilize AI-powered tools for natal chart analysis, providing personalized insights for medical cannabis recommendations.
  • Implement a user-friendly interface for the Cannabis Wheel, accessible to both physicians and patients, allowing for efficient strain selection based on individual needs.

Policy Implementation:

  • Personalized Medicine: Encourage physicians to consider astrological factors as complementary information for personalized medical cannabis recommendations. However, emphasize evidence-based medical practices as the primary decision-making criteria.
  • Research Collaboration: Foster collaboration with astrologers, astronomers, and data scientists to continually refine the integration of celestial observations into medical cannabis practices.
  • Patient Education: Develop educational materials for patients, explaining the astrological and environmental considerations in cannabis treatment plans, fostering a holistic understanding of their personalized care.
  • Strain Standardization: Work towards industry-wide adoption of the Cannabis Wheel for standardized strain pharmacology information, promoting consistency and transparency in medical cannabis products.
  • Environmental Stewardship: Advocate for sustainable cultivation practices by utilizing the weather and climate observation tool, minimizing the environmental impact of cannabis cultivation.


This advanced Cannabis Specialization Residency Program not only delves into traditional medical aspects but also explores novel integrations of astrological insights and environmental observations. By incorporating these modules, physicians can offer more personalized and holistic medical cannabis recommendations while contributing to the development of standardized tools for strain pharmacology and sustainable cultivation practices. The ongoing collaboration between medical professionals, scientists, and alternative practitioners ensures a dynamic and adaptive approach to cannabis medicine.

Year 2 (Continued):

Time Continuum Self-Assessment with Checklist Skills Assessment

Level: Preconventional

  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Recognizes basic emotions in oneself and others.
  • Identifies personal emotional responses to stimuli.
  • Critical Thinking
  • Recognizes simple cause-and-effect relationships.
  • Demonstrates basic problem-solving skills.
  • Self-Awareness
  • Identifies basic personal strengths and weaknesses.
  • Begins to recognize patterns in own behavior.
  • Multiple Intelligences
  • Demonstrates awareness of personal strengths in specific intelligences.
  • Identifies basic preferences for learning and processing information.
  • Law of Attraction - Emotional Intelligence
  • Recognizes the impact of positive and negative thinking on outcomes.
  • Demonstrates a basic understanding of the law of attraction principles.
  • Time Management
  • Demonstrates basic awareness of time as a resource.
  • Begins to set simple goals for personal time usage.
  • Adaptability
  • Shows a willingness to explore new ideas.
  • Demonstrates openness to change on a basic level.
  • Communication Skills
  • Participates in basic verbal and written communication.
  • Demonstrates active listening skills in simple interactions.
  • Stress Management
  • Identifies basic stressors and simple coping mechanisms.
  • Demonstrates awareness of personal stress triggers.
  • Goal Setting
  • Sets basic, short-term goals for personal development.
  • Identifies simple steps toward achieving personal objectives.

Level: Emerging

  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Identifies and understands the emotions of others.
  • Demonstrates empathy in basic social interactions.
  • Critical Thinking
  • Analyzes simple problems and proposes solutions.
  • Begins to evaluate the consequences of different actions.
  • Self-Awareness
  • Reflects on personal experiences and adjusts behavior accordingly.
  • Demonstrates awareness of how personal emotions impact decision-making.
  • Multiple Intelligences
  • Actively seeks opportunities to engage strengths in various intelligences.
  • Demonstrates an understanding of diverse learning styles.
  • Law of Attraction
  • Applies positive thinking intentionally to manifest desired outcomes.
  • Identifies and challenges negative thought patterns.
  • Time Management
  • Prioritizes tasks and manages time more efficiently.
  • Sets realistic goals and timelines for personal projects.
  • Adaptability
  • Embraces change with a more positive attitude.
  • Seeks out new experiences and challenges.
  • Communication Skills
  • Communicates ideas more clearly and persuasively.
  • Listens actively and responds thoughtfully in conversations.
  • Stress Management
  • Utilizes a variety of stress-management techniques.
  • Demonstrates improved resilience in the face of challenges.
  • Goal Setting
  • Sets more complex and long-term goals.
  • Develops action plans to achieve personal objectives.

Level: Developing

  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Manages personal emotions effectively in various situations.
  • Demonstrates an understanding of the emotional needs of others.
  • Critical Thinking
  • Analyzes complex problems and develops innovative solutions.
  • Demonstrates a more nuanced understanding of cause and effect.
  • Self-Awareness
  • Consistently reflects on and adjusts behavior based on self-awareness.
  • Demonstrates a deeper understanding of personal strengths and weaknesses.
  • Multiple Intelligences
  • Integrates multiple intelligences seamlessly in various contexts.
  • Demonstrates a sophisticated understanding of personal learning preferences.
  • Law of Attraction
  • Applies positive thinking consistently to shape personal reality.
  • Practices mindfulness and visualization techniques regularly.
  • Time Management
  • Efficiently prioritizes and manages time to meet long-term objectives.
  • Demonstrates effective planning and organization skills.
  • Adaptability
  • Thrives in dynamic environments and welcomes change.
  • Actively seeks opportunities for personal and professional growth.
  • Communication Skills
  • Communicates persuasively in various formats and to diverse audiences.
  • Fosters effective and empathetic communication in group settings.
  • Stress Management
  • Implements a comprehensive stress-management plan.
  • Maintains composure in high-pressure situations.
  • Goal Setting
  • Sets ambitious and challenging goals with strategic plans.
  • Regularly evaluates and adjusts goals based on progress and feedback.

This schema can be continued for the remaining levels, incorporating increasingly advanced skills and competencies as individuals progress through the continuum.

Level: Expanding

  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Facilitates positive emotional experiences in interpersonal relationships.
  • Demonstrates advanced empathy and emotional regulation.
  • Critical Thinking
  • Synthesizes information from various sources to solve complex problems.
  • Evaluates the long-term consequences of decisions and actions.
  • Self-Awareness
  • Maintains a deep understanding of personal values and beliefs.
  • Regularly seeks and integrates feedback for continuous self-improvement.
  • Multiple Intelligences
  • Actively seeks interdisciplinary opportunities to leverage intelligences.
  • Applies a sophisticated understanding of learning preferences to enhance knowledge acquisition.
  • Law of Attraction
  • Consistently practices positive visualization and affirmations.
  • Demonstrates an ability to manifest desired outcomes through focused intention.
  • Time Management
  • Sets and adheres to ambitious timelines for complex projects.
  • Balances multiple priorities effectively, demonstrating mastery in planning.
  • Adaptability
  • Thrives in uncertainty and actively seeks out opportunities for innovation.
  • Serves as a positive influence during times of change.
  • Communication Skills
  • Tailors communication to diverse audiences with precision.
  • Fosters a collaborative and inclusive communication environment.
  • Stress Management
  • Proactively manages stress and utilizes it as a motivator.
  • Serves as a resource for stress management strategies within a team or community.
  • Goal Setting
  • Develops and achieves SMART goals consistently.
  • Regularly evaluates and adjusts goals based on progress and self-reflection.

Level: Bridging

  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Demonstrates advanced skills in conflict resolution and relationship-building.
  • Serves as a mentor for others in developing emotional intelligence.
  • Critical Thinking
  • Applies critical thinking skills to complex, abstract, and novel situations.
  • Consistently seeks innovative solutions to industry-specific challenges.
  • Self-Awareness
  • Demonstrates a high level of self-mastery in various situations.
  • Effectively leverages self-awareness for leadership and personal growth.
  • Multiple Intelligences
  • Integrates intelligences seamlessly in novel and challenging situations.
  • Actively seeks opportunities to develop strengths in previously unexplored intelligences.
  • Law of Attraction
  • Sustains a positive mindset even in the face of adversity.
  • Actively contributes to the manifestation of positive outcomes for self and others.
  • Time Management
  • Sets and achieves ambitious long-term goals with precision.
  • Serves as a role model for effective time management within the community.
  • Adaptability
  • Drives innovation within organizations or communities.
  • Proactively identifies and addresses potential challenges in adapting to change.
  • Communication Skills
  • Navigates complex communication scenarios with finesse.
  • Facilitates productive and inclusive communication in diverse settings.
  • Stress Management
  • Acts as a resource for stress management training and support.
  • Demonstrates resilience and calmness in high-stakes situations.
  • Goal Setting
  • Develops and achieves highly ambitious and impactful SMART goals.
  • Effectively mentors others in setting and achieving meaningful objectives.

Continue this schema for the remaining levels, ensuring that the skills and self-evaluation criteria become increasingly sophisticated and aligned with higher levels of proficiency and integration of emotional intelligence, multiple intelligences, and the law of attraction into goal-setting practices.

  • Pre conventional
  • Emerging
  • Developing
  • Beginning
  • Expanding
  • Bridging
  • Fluent
  • Proficient
  • Connecting
  • Independent
  • Pre-conventional:
  • At this stage, individuals tend to follow rules to avoid punishment or gain rewards. Morality is based on self-interest.
  • Emerging:
  • The beginning of skills or characteristics becoming apparent. Individuals may start to show signs of development in a particular area.
  • Developing:
  • Progress is evident, and individuals are actively working on acquiring new skills or knowledge. They are in the process of growth and improvement.
  • Beginning:
  • The initial phase of learning or engagement in a particular activity. Individuals are starting to explore and understand the basics.
  • Expanding:
  • Growth and development continue, and individuals are broadening their skills or understanding. There is an increase in complexity and proficiency.
  • Bridging:
  • Connecting or linking different concepts or skills. Individuals are making connections between previously learned ideas.
  • Fluent:
  • Proficiency and ease in the application of skills or knowledge. Individuals can perform tasks or understand concepts effortlessly.
  • Proficient:
  • Mastery of skills or knowledge in a particular area. Individuals can perform tasks at a high level of competence.
  • Connecting:
  • The ability to integrate and relate different concepts or skills. Individuals can see the relationships between various ideas or domains.
  • Independent:
  • Self-sufficiency and autonomy in applying skills or knowledge. Individuals can work or function without significant external guidance or support.

It's important to note that these categories can be applied to various aspects of development, such as cognitive, emotional, linguistic, or skill-based development. The progression through these stages is typically gradual, and individuals may move through them at different rates depending on various factors, including age, experience, and individual differences.