Allison Lounes

Allison Lounes moved to France to study abroad in 2007-2008, and fell in love with Paris. Upon graduating from Columbia University and Middlebury College’s French School in 2009, she moved to Paris where she worked a variety of odd jobs, from babysitting and teaching English to doing taxes for American expats in an American CPA firm.

After completing a master’s degree (M2) in comparative literature at the Université Paris VII - Denis Diderot, she began a second master’s in anthropology at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales with the intention of pursuing a PhD in anthropology studying the transmission of oral tradition and folk tales. Instead, she began writing about how she had moved to Paris to study independently and done a master’s degree for less than €400, rather than the $40,000+ she would have paid to do a relatively useless and not financially-lucrative master’s program in the US.

What initially started as a 70,000 word e-book about navigating the administrative procedures of moving to France has turned into an informative website with over half a million words and dozens of video tutorials on everything from applying for health insurance to registering as a freelancer. Allison has consulted with hundreds of clients since 2012, assisting with various administrative procedures and specializing in applying for different visa types for moving to France. Her most popular service is assisting freelancers and young professionals with creating a freelancing or consulting activity to get the “profession libérale” visa to work independently, thus eliminating the need for sponsorship by any one company.

Allison lives just outside of Paris with her family, and can usually be found at ballet barre class or working in Starbucks with a Pumpkin Spice latte.