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About the Author

Alexandra Harris and Ferdinand Maggini (pictured left) have been best friends since the day they met, in 1992. They hit it off right away, though as Alexandra was very shy, Ferdinand did most of the talking. 

Since then, they have played all sorts of music, from Vivaldi to Coldplay, in all kinds of ensembles—even via zoom. They spent a great many years at the Sydney Conservatorium of Music, studied a little in America too, and with each passing year, they discover more new and wonderful things to learn. 

Although, they have not yet been to Venice, they have imagined it many times and were lucky to meet a girl named Violetta, who told them all about it. In fact, she also discovered an Enchanted Violin, and to find out more about what she got up to, follow the link to her adventure.

Violetta and the Venetian Violin Theme Song