Author Jack West

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Jack West is an author of historic fiction with strong links to the actual period and referances to actual characters, the hardships and tough decisions they had to make in the "good old days" which in many cases meant life or death . As of this moment, Jack has written a series of westerns set in Abilene in the 1870s not long after former marshal, Wild Bill Hickok and has one book so far what he calls his "depression era outlaw" series: John Dillinger era bank robbers. 
Further explorations of the tough times people faced in the past are likely from Jack but right now he is working on the next "Streets of Abilene" story to bring to his readers.
Jack doesn't publish his books as fast as some - its hard to do when you write them yourself then take time for re-writes. It's a long process but makes for a less repetitive story.