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The Importance of Supporting Your Fellow Indie Authors

For some reason, it was difficult for me to write this week’s blog. It’s on a subject that is dear to me, supporting my fellow indie authors. Yet, there’s only so much we can do to support each other. Nevertheless, I make an effort to do so. I’m also very fortunate to have followers who do the same. 

I may have said this before, but the writing community is both small and large at the same time. The majority of us are broke and can't afford to market our books with professional advertisements. So, what we do, is the next best thing.. and that is sharing our fellow indie author's pages/work. It literally costs nothing to share other's work and I try to do so on a daily basis!

Indie authors are often looked down upon because, as first time writers and self-publishers, our work is usually far from perfect. That doesn't mean there aren't some great books out there, mine for example are pretty decent. Then there are indie works that turned into mainstream books and I still can't fathom how. I'm looking at you 50 Shades and Twilight. Those books were just *face palm*.  

With that said, I think it's very important to support my fellow indie authors, to give them more visibility. We may have the same followers but more often than not, we're introducing our audiences to new authors. And vice versa. I can’t tell you how many times I have gotten sales due to someone sharing one of my posts on social media. It’s greatly appreciated and usually unexpected, but that’s the point of sharing. 

In closing, don’t forget to follow your favorite authors but also be open to finding new authors. There are so many of us out there and while the self-publishing game may seem saturated, we all have different stories to tell. We are all unique voices. Also, leaving a review or two doesn’t hurt. It helps us out in the long run. Until next time, my Loves..

XO T 💜