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30 Books That Will Change Your Life (Part 6, Best Part)

This is the sixth and best part of the series in which we talk about the top five books out of thirty that would enable you to begin making positive changes in your life.

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"The Daily Laws" by robert green

The Daily laws

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Robert Greene argued that good is no longer enough in today’s society.

In his book, The Daily Laws, he takes you on a journey to improve yourself every day. The book is divided into 366 dense chapters, offering you daily advice as a recommendation and inspiration for a whole year. It also acts as a life guide, teaching you how to master everyday life. Each daily meditation consists of an anecdote, some potentially relevant thoughts and phrases, and daily ways to address life’s issues. Through The Daily Laws, you can take control of your own life and gain control over yourself. 

Social interactions are driven by power dynamics. You can and should pursue your purpose in life because you have the right to reach and use your full potential. Avoid pornography: it weakens you and makes you sick. You control your life, don’t let others control it. 

"The Richest Man in Babylon" by George S. Clason

The richest man in babylon

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The Richest Man in Babylon is a classic, insightful financial motivational book like none other. This publication was taken from an old edition published in 1926, before the end of World War II. The book is a collection of parables set in ancient Babylon, aimed at providing advice to readers interested in building their own wealth. These parables are over 60 years old and are considered a true classic in their genre. We have not found anything more appropriate than a small text to explain the essence of this book.

The book is structured around a conversation between a wealthy businessman in ancient Babylon and some of his citizens who seek advice in different situations. Babylon, at that time, was the richest city in the world, but its inhabitants lacked the wisdom to use their resources effectively. The book begins with the following expression: "A poor man in Babylon, tired of being in need, decided to embark on a profitable occupation and become the wealthiest man in Babylon." To achieve this goal, he followed a daily script, perseveringly performing his tasks and discussing his progress with other workers each night.

In Babylon, the first commandment for anyone who desires to earn much money was to seek expert counseling on financial matters. "The Richest Man in Babylon" throws light on these advices given in Babylon.

- Save a part of the money earned, i.e. at least 10% of the money.

- Spend less money than earned.

- Take charge of the money in one's control.

- Multiply the money in one's control through investment.

- Only those who are willing to take charge of their own lives and money will find the same way to prosperity known by the few in the field of simple rules to managing money safely and efficiently.

- Never invest in any business one does not understand.

- Never seek easy ways to earn more money. There is no such easy way to become wealthy by earning money. The real way to become wealthy is to earn more money without spending the money earned foolishly (simple concept, but not very easy to practice!).

"The Secret" by Rhonda Byrne

the secret

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Have you ever wondered why some people seem to get everything they want and some don't? What if there was a book that contains the secret to obtaining your desires? Would you read it? Rhonda Byrne's The Secret is such a book. It has been called a self-help book, which implies one aspect of its nature. However, it is also a guide through important steps in life. The Secret, which purports to give the knowledge you need to live the life you've always wanted, is not only popular, but also teeming with excitement. It will undoubtedly reach cult-like status in the years to come, much the same as previous books of this list. 

The book maintains that the universe is governed by the law of attraction, but instead of physical laws, the law of attraction creates the life of the thinker. This means that positivity attracts positivity and negativity does the opposite. There is no need or room for understanding, but there is a necessity to practice positivity, just like the lyrics of the famous Bob Dylan song: "The answer, my friends, is blowing in the wind."

I would like to state that I am in no way an expert in life or anything. This is really just me sharing my thoughts and observations. I'm not here to talk down to anyone or educate you on life. That would be rather ridiculous considering I haven't even lived a quarter of a century yet. I'm just some guy who enjoyed this book and I'm looking to share my thoughts on it.

I think that everybody should at least give it a read. There are some people who like to chide the book, saying that it's common sense and a scam. To that, I say maybe it's obvious and common sense, but then why don't people follow this common sense? I also say that just because this book may be a scam does not make it useless. I mean, sure, you can burn money for heat, but it has more practical uses.

 "101 essays that will change the way you think" by Brianna wiest

101 Essays that will change the way you think

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First of all, I would like to personally thank this author, Brianna Wiest, for every stimulus idea that I found in her book.

This collection of essays is her promise to us that we can have a better life if we choose to learn "different ways of thinking.Each of the essays was selected from articles published in Thought Catalog over several years.

Over the years, I've spent many hours happily reading articles that have been published and discovering many talented writers. Some of my favorite articles were written by this author. The book goes beyond my expectations. It made me think, reflect, and learn. Wiest did a great job. 

I realized that with 101 Essays, our brains are resized and rebooted to think in a focused and positive direction to achieve our goals. I was looking for a structured and positive way to rethink my beliefs, and those essays are the answer to my desires.

101 short "essays", 101 rational thoughts; every day, in every meeting, at every "coffee break". The main idea of it all is very easy to understand: everything that happens in our life is the result of the way our brain works. So, if we choose to take control of our "way to think", we can access more productive, focused, and effective results in our daily lives. All of us that had access to highly specialized education and jobs love to learn from simple, easy, and logical examples. During hard times, it is easy to forget the nature of our purpose, and a small reminder that puts us back on our tracks is always a good idea. However, emotional intelligence and critical reading are essential. 

"Life's Big Question: 50 Questions To Open Your Mind And See Things Differently" by Be The Glow

Life's Big Question

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I know, it’s a bit bold to put my book on the top of the list, but trust me, there's a reason for it.

This book helps us see things differently. It provides the ideas, insights, questions, and answers we need to see life differently. Not just reword the same old sentiments found elsewhere, not just categorize things differently, but really see new things that we hadn't seen at all before. 

I pulled together the 50 most deep questions in the hope that you can answer yourself. It's a smorgasbord of wonderfully complex ideas, put together especially and only for you.

Have you ever wondered about Which is worse, failing or never trying?, Did You Get Lost On The Path Of Life?,  what's worth waiting for?, Why having a good heart can be your biggest downfall?, why do we try so hard for people who don't try for us?, do you have a hand to hold when darkness falls?

This e-book does a great job of giving you summaries on a lot of the deepest questions possible to answer. 

The journey of opening your mind to new questions, old questions that go unanswered, questions that you think about in the shower when you have nothing else to think of, questions that open world views, questions that bring criticism and hate, questions that build curiosity. The idea is that you will find yourself in deep thought, hopefully at three in the morning, having thirty tabs open on three different internet browsers conducting research on an idea sparked solely by a question.

At some point in life, everyone wonders who they are, What are the things that truly matter, How can we find real and lasting happiness, and even how to survive life. As we become adults, we accumulate concerns about our own identity, what surrounds us, how we are connected to the world and the people around us. These are questions like what is behind a certain act and how we should behave. Many times we don't find the answer. We feel lost. This e-book is meant to answer your many questions about life, to take you to the right path, and to make you think about your life and how special it is.

For me, this ebook isn’t just something I wrote—it’s something I believe in.

If you seek to question and think about the deeper and more enduring aspects of life, the questions in this ebook are meant to be a door that's now open for you to walk through. 

Our understanding of happiness and a good life depends on asking truly worthwhile questions. Life's Big Questions asks those questions – not just to disturb you, but to awaken you to the fact that the answers lie within you. It's up to you to find your way. Get started by asking yourself the first question, "Have you forgotten why you started?"

This is the last and best part.

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