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  • How To Stop Chasing And Start Attracting

  • Don't Forget The Life You Promised To Yourself

    You did the right thing when you made promises to yourself. You paved your route towards a better life. I wouldn't want to see you become someone who goes back on their word.

  • 10 Things You Will Regret Later In Life

    Whether or not death is the end of the road, your life will be faced with total nothingness at the very least, as far as you are concerned. Therefore, there's no point in wasting lives on things like regret.

  • No One Is You, And That Is Your Power

    Being different is not only okay but is actually your greatest strength. Trying to be like someone else or living up to society’s standards can make us forget our own worth. This video encourages you to embrace what makes you unique and live your life authentically.

  • 30 Books That Will Change Your Life (Part 6)

    We’ve reached the final part of our series, where the best books are waiting for you. the books that hold the most value, the ones that can truly transform your mindset and your life.

  • To Be Successful, You Only Need This...

    Faith can move mountains, in this video, we'll show you how you can use that faith to turn your dreams into reality, and how having faith in yourself, and most importantly, in God can be the key to unlocking the success you've been searching for.

  • 30 Books That Will Change Your Life (Part 5)

    The average person reads less than one book per year, while the average wealthy person reads a minimum of four books a month. Less than one book a year and four books per month - that's like a twelve-fold difference, and it probably results in more than a "twelve-fold" difference in results too.

  • 13 Things You Should Say "NO" To

    Are you not worth setting at least as a high priority as the other person? would the other person not say no to you given the same conditions as yours?

  • Watch This Video If You Ever Feel Hopeless

    The best is yet to come for you, and all that life asks of you here is a willingness, Just be willing to invest some time, invest some energy into the most important individual worthwhile project you will ever undertake. Working on you.

  • Stop Telling People Everything

    Do you feel like you overshare with everyone around you? In this video, we discuss why it's sometimes better to keep certain things to yourself and how this can help you live a more peaceful and drama-free life.

  • 30 Books That Will Change Your Life (Part 3)

    This is the third part of the video series where we explore five more books from my top 30 list. These books have the power to inspire and transform your life.

  • Top 30 Books That Will Make The Difference.

    This is the second part of the video series in which we discussed the top five books out of thirty that would enable you to begin making positive changes in your life.

  • Read These Books To Start Changing Your Life For The Better.

    I have read a total of 158 books in the last two years, and out of those, I have curated this list of the best 30 that helped me the most.

    Number 1 is the best ever.

  • The Secret Of Success That No One Talks About

    Kaizen, which translates to "change for better," is a concept that emphasizes making small, incremental changes over time to achieve significant improvements in quality, efficiency, and effectiveness.