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Everything Is Temporary

Everything changes, grows and at some point, decays.

We humans are all about beginnings and ends. Everything we create has a life cycle: objects, careers, marriages, causes. 

Every beginning also contains an ending. Every hope and promise holds within it the potential for devastation and disappointment. We don't know when the end will come, but it will, as long as we live long enough. Every relationship, endeavor, and vision will eventually shift into some new form. The union movement, as we know it, will never return to its moment of greatest power. The political and economic dominance of the United States will not last forever. 

Without the ability to ignore the void, many of us would be paralyzed or immobilized, unable to live our lives. We look around at so many of the things that don't change: mountains, oceans, the sunrises and the sunsets, and often don't notice the unending change that takes place even around the things we consider to be permanent parts of our lives. The mountains are changing, as are the oceans and the sunsets. As soon as rocks stop eroding, the mountains won't be either and in time, neither will some of the things about the world that we see as eternal be here anymore.

We spend so much time doing stuff. So much time. To the point we worry about so much as we're doing it all. Did I write that good enough? Will I fill all the spaces in the outline? Will everything be cool, man? Can I write a good enough excuse for the fact that I don't have enough to say?

Everything is temporary. Things are here. Then they're not here. That's the pattern. The shapes and the swirls and the dots. It's not bad, it's just how it is. Hell, if there was no space between this letter and the next letter then I would have a really hard time showing you where one ends and the next begins. You probably wouldn't be able to read these words then. And that'd suck because then you wouldn't read what I think is a pretty great thought that I have thought.

You wouldn't want that, huh? Would you? So there, I knew I could sell you on happiness.

Because I was happy the whole time I wrote i this paragraph and maybe that's why it's such a stupid story. Because I'm always thinking about myself and "where's this leading?" and "WHAT'S NEXT!?" and, oh god, even when I'm doing nothing, I'm doing something so why aren't I doing something different? You feel me?

We invest the most in those things and people that we see as enduring. So, constantly and unconsciously, we try to carefully shelve these constantly evolving sand castles, acting as if that would make their collapse that much less likely. But alas, everything is temporary. Any relationship in which I invest will fray, be it friendship, workplace, or family. Any moment of joy or wonder will slip through my hands. It is in recognizing this that I can choose to be alive to the miracle of it all. The holding back is what wastes it. All things, even my wiser and pithier thoughts, are fleeting. And in that recognition, I choose where to place my feet. The time is now, in every case, every time.

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