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How Does Accepting Imperfections Make You Human?

Let’s open without apologies – instead, let’s just blame those terrible, disenchanting, glossy, mind-blowing magazines that continue providing loads of space to whatever they call "perfection." You know, these "ideal" lifestyles which are quite inconsistent and, yes, fake. Still stuck on "perfect"? You’re on the fast track to nowhere-land.

Perfection is exactly the perfect disguise of what life is about. But why do they keep providing adoring perfection for mass consumption? Because it’s the perfect way of manipulating people into something they’re not – or they won’t ever be. Otherwise, it’s to make them feel incomplete, inefficient, unnecessary. Plus, it’s that same old, same old trick: keeping them stuck into the dictatorship of consumerism. Well, guess what? Being human is just the opportunity to build a nice connection between ourselves and our own imperfections. Are you really going to trade that for something else? No way! As such, the answer is more than plain simple: let’s stand up and celebrate our human condition as it is – not the one being hijacked by artificial icons.

This blog is inspired by our new ebook 'LIFE'S BIG QUESTIONS: 50 Questions to Open Your Mind and See Things Differently',this ebook is a journey into self-discovery and personal growth. It offers 50 deep questions designed to get you thinking about life in new ways. This e-book is meant to answer your many questions about life such as "who are we?" "how to survive life?" "How Can You Save Yourself?" "Does time heal all wounds?" , from how did it all begin to where is it leading. If you're curious to learn more, you can get the ebook now with a 10% discount! using the code ' Life50'.

Striving for perfection is like a never-ending uphill battle on a treadmill powered by your tears. _ Be The Glow.

If you’re willing to accept the challenge, you’re going to need a systematic approach. There is no quick, easy or painless way to learn to genuinely embrace your imperfections.The first phase of conquering your perfectionism is to embrace reality, toast and coffee in hand. Allow the truth to reverberate in your mind. No one is perfect and no one’s life is perfect, no matter how confident their façade. There are no perfect bodies, relationships, or careers and everyone has hidden demons. After allowing yourself to absorb this fact, it’s easy to understand that the pursuit of perfection is really the pursuit of infinity. No matter what height you reach, it’s always a greater climb ahead.

Whatever you had in mind as the target will fit more snugly into a bull’s-eye that is a little less out of this world. Would you mind sharing with us exactly how perfectionism serves you? Does it keep you constantly chasing paper dragons down a dark and furry rabbit hole? Does it create relationships without a heart or a breath of fresh air? Maybe it helps keep you from failing? How’s that working for you? Drop your shoulders, kick off your shoes and ponder this for a moment. If you’ve reached your preconceived unattainable level of perfection, would you schedule some time to relax, do nothing and heal, or move that divinely unattainable level a few miles away?

In our culture, we strive to be perfect and achieve perfection. We strive to attain the perfect job or the perfect home far removed from the city noise. We expect our children to be perfect. Our houses must be perfect. Our gardens are either perfect or we take up gardening as a competitive sport. The problem with attempting perfection - whether it's perfect teeth, perfect bodies or perfect lives - is that it's a never-ending battle. There's always more to be done, and it's almost always something we'll never reach. Within this perfection, we lose sight of the beautiful imperfections that make life sweet. When life isn't going the way we'd like, it's not the situation that's so troublesome but rather our label of bad, acting as a continual reminder of our displeasure and irritation. Many of the experiences that are labeled 'bad' are, in fact, good experiences and are, as such, neutral.

We spend the vast majority of our time and energy lamenting what happened to us in the past, analyzing and predicting the future, and overlooking exactly what is happening right now. Consequently, we fail to be present in the moment, to experience the very life we are living. Perfection is so far out of reach that we become stressed by the never-ending quest and so grow embittered by our plight. The concept of embracing imperfections, on the other hand, is the acceptance that we are good enough just as we are. Rather than being perfect, we believe that progress is perfectly fine. The acknowledgment that mistakes are part of our development toward bigger and better things becomes the story we tell ourselves and what others cherish. We can be absolutely great just the way we are! Imperfections actually bring us to a greater understanding of ourselves, a higher state of learning to dance in the rain rather than scream about getting wet.

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