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In The Hardest Time, We Grow The Most

You'll realize, as you progress and incorporate the friction being thrown your way into your life, that in the hardest time, we grow the most. Most importantly, your perspective will shift, and so will your life, as these "curveballs" become blessings in your life. They become blessings in your life because they've matured you. They've given you experience and insight that you'd otherwise not acquire. They connect you with the very core of life, create humility, and groom you for life. You're being presented with real-life lessons that form part of the school of life. More importantly, it teaches you to be brave, cultured, and filled with tolerance, patience, and understanding.

Why do we hold the scales in life and weigh the difficulties, the pain, the miseries, the heartbreaks, the tragedies, and the sufferings when on the other side, so very little seems to be what we have gained? Our larger and more beautiful selves emerge on the other side with enhanced wisdom, new insights, understanding, forgiveness, or genuine compassion for ourselves and others, receiving only a cursory nod of thanks and grateful recognition. Normally, we hold the content of that pan on great big ordinary upgrades from our preceding numberless self. We see only a fraction of ourselves and our growth. A part of growth is refining our kindness.

Imagine that life is the most majestic facilitator on our way from growing weeds to beautiful blossoms. We're going to get all the good potentials programmed into us by growth and attentiveness. It can't help it. There is no exception to this fact. I feel that I have stated it before or two or twenty-five times in writings, but it bears repeating.

There is an optimistic philosophy that I subscribe to that tells me that the uneasy feeling I'm facing is temporary but also necessary for my growth. It tells me that the weight I'm trying to carry will come crashing down on my chest more often than not, and that's okay. It's okay because I'll be able to lift it the next time. Because as a human, if I don't have hope to rely on to get through my hardest times, what's the point of proceeding? The fight inside you is what makes you succeed. The battle within yourself is what shapes you. It's the only thing that will fuel your growth as a person. If it gets tough, you got to get tougher.

I've cried because I can't handle the fact that I might have bitten off more than I could chew. Or that I'm just getting my bearings and that I might not succeed after all. Ultimately, it shapes the way I think that I'm 'weaker' than others around me; people who manage to pull through faster than I can. The fact remains that everyone has their battles. However, the ones who put in the sweat shall inherit the spoils. A good friend of mine told me that 'The fear of stepping out of your comfort zone is the last step that you must cross before you become comfortable with new things'. And although true, in spirit and in letter, the journey to reach that realization is a terribly hard one. But you have to keep going. Always keep going.

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