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Stop Comparing Yourself To Others

You can’t live your life this way. It’s exhausting and anxiety ridden.

The biggest mistake we make? Comparing what we’re doing right now to what others have already done. So don’t. It’s not fair. It’s not fair to yourself. And in a way, it’s not fair to what that other person has gone through to get to where they are right now. Stop comparing yourself to other people. It’s exhausting.

If we must compare ourselves to others, then we’ll fare a lot better if we compare our present selves to who we were yesterday. This is especially hard when it comes to long-term goals.

When my goal is writing a book, for example, I can congratulate only myself if I hit my word count or finish a chapter. It’s harder to look at how far I’ve come when comparing who I was with who I am today.

We often listen to our inner critic who informs us that we’re “not enough” yet. It’s very likely that we’ve come a long way and we just don’t see it. It doesn’t matter how big or small your Steps are. Just make daily activities of nudge acknowledgement. Through every gesture, every word spoken, and every assurance, the person combating a doubt, a fear, a worry is a bit stronger, a bit more assured. Give yourself some credit for how far you’ve come.

Nevertheless, it’s helpful to understand some of the science behind our compare activities. We are no dummies. We know comparing ourselves to others can have harmful effects on our mental health. All we need is the internet or the television or even just to walk out the door to get a good glimpse of an idol that naturally makes us feel less than ourselves. However, as evidence tells us, despite how unpleasant comparison is, we still do it. And we do it often.

The problem is that a lot of the comparisons we make are often unfair.

We typically compare ourselves to people we perceive to be a step or two ahead of us. What we tend to ignore is the multitude of people who have it worse off than us. So, if we have to compare ourselves to others, then we need to consider comparing ourselves to people we perceive to be at a similar or lower rung on the success ladder.

By doing so, we might get a more accurate picture of our capabilities instead of pretending everyone is smarter, more successful, or more liked than we are.

Stop comparing yourself to other people. And once you internalize that little nugget of wisdom, your life will be stress free, right? Of course not. I wish it were that simple, but our habits aren’t always easy to change. I’ve struggled with comparison myself, and I still do on occasion. However, these habits are not impossible to change if you’re patient and persistent.

You suddenly feel that there are too many people better than you, and you have no chance.

Each person is unique, each person's growth is also different.

If we always compare with someone, we may feel that we will never like the other person.

All achievements are defined as small or none. We must not always compare the worse and the better, and the deep beauty between the lack of advantage of others. We need to know that we have to let other people carry the label, just as we do not want others to compare with us on all the standards.

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