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They Will Judge You Anyway, So Keep Going

It is often that the very person who is asking you to remain the same when they have never in all their lives tasted what a unique and rich life could be, if you yourself brought whatever unique talent that you possessed to the table, without any fear of judgment, are in fact just people who are too scared to spread their wings as well as fly.

Yes, the reason that they would rather you not do anything at all is because "why should you when it's obvious to them that you'll fail?" To that question, just simply give a wide-awake smile and say "let me show you how," or better yet, don't say anything at all, just allow your victory to be your clap back.

Don't ever let yourself go. Don't ever bury your talent, your dreams, or who you are on the inside to be what they believe you should do in their world on the outside. Your world is the world that you are commanded to live in.

Related Topic: Stop Questioning Your Worth

Countless people, bitten by the snake of their failed dreams, or their expectations that never left the paper, or even those who are tired of a life of mediocrity, seek refuge in a new snake pit. A snake pit in which there are venomous sprains ready to bite anyone who has hope.The fact that a person has given up trying to sound unjustifiable and given this gap where they start to build theories of unparalleled absurdity on "why" this person deserves a second chance to marry the veil of their dreams.

If you continue sounding your dreams, someone will come to call you crazy. It is part of the bigger game. However, the right one? The one you are more than willing to do everything for the craziest person in the world? Only you can answer. And also to take the craziest dream you have to the moon.

Have you ever felt discouraged to follow your dreams because there were people who were constantly saying that you won't be able to do it? Or even worse, that people were expecting you to fail even though they would say they were only being realistic? This is our opportunity to remind all these people one simple thing. They are not the ones who are living your life. They are not the ones who have a dream. They have not spent days and nights making projects, thinking that your life could be better. You are the only person who will proudly wear the colors of your achievements or quietly bleed out in the discomfort of a life that is not your own for not even trying.

If you are different, they laugh. If you're bad, they criticize. And if you're good, they envy. People will always have something to say. You can't please everyone. Some will judge you. So keep doing what you have to do! If they criticize you, it's probably because they would like to do as you do, but don't have the initiative to start. Keep going! Remember, if you continue to be yourself, you will eventually grow, while others grow old by criticizing and complaining. Create, paint, design, dance, sing, work, dress, smile, talk, mature, face the faces, kiss, cry, but above all, live life with enthusiasm!

Related Topic: Things That Will F*ck You Up

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