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Bread Therapy: How Baking Brought Calm to My Stress-Filled Life.

Stress has always been a constant in my life. Growing up, I learned to suppress my emotions and bottle up my stress. This pattern continued into my adulthood, where the added pressures of being a single Mom of four, work, relationships, and finances took their toll on my emotional, mental, and physical health.

As a working mother, I had always struggled with finding balance and managing stress. My demanding jobs and responsibilities at home left me feeling overwhelmed and exhausted. Unfortunately, all this stress took a toll on my health. For years, I lived with the constant fatigue, digestive issues, and weight fluctuations that come with stress, never realizing the impact it was having on my body.

I was first diagnosed with pancreatitis in my mid-twenties and it was a real wake-up call for me. I realized that my busy lifestyle and constant stress were affecting my health in a negative way. I was taking medication to manage my asthma and pancreatitis, but I knew I needed to find a more natural way to cope with stress and improve my overall health. Constant stress contributed to my weakened immune system, making me more susceptible to flare-ups and asthma attacks.

The realization that my stress levels were directly affecting my health was a wake-up call. I had always been an emotional eater, using food to comfort myself when life got tough, but I knew that I needed to find a healthier outlet for my stress. That’s when I discovered the therapeutic power of baking bread.

Baking bread was not only a fun and relaxing hobby, but it also became my escape from the daily grind. It allowed me to focus my mind on something other than my stress and worries, and to slow down and take a moment for myself. The process of mixing, kneading, and watching the bread rise was a meditative experience that brought me a sense of peace and calm. The warm, comforting scent of the baking bread filled my home, creating a sense of peace and grounding. I didn’t realize it at that time, but this became my therapy.

As I continued to bake bread on a regular basis, I noticed a significant improvement in my overall health. My asthma symptoms became less frequent and less severe, and I felt less anxious and stressed. I also found that my pancreatitis, which had been a constant source of pain and discomfort, became more manageable.

One of the most interesting things about baking bread is the connection it has to our ancestors and the long history of bread making. As I researched and experimented with different recipes, I learned about the importance of using natural and wholesome ingredients, and how this could impact the health and well-being of both the baker and the consumer.

This newfound appreciation for wholesome, natural ingredients encouraged me to make other changes in my life. I started to focus more on my diet, incorporating more fresh fruits and vegetables, and reducing my consumption of processed foods. I also started exercising regularly and made a conscious effort to get enough sleep and manage my stress levels.

Now, I make sure to bake bread regularly as a way to manage my stress levels and maintain my health. I’ve learned to listen to my body and prioritize self-care, taking the time to relax and do things that bring me joy. Baking bread will always hold a special place in my heart as a reminder of the power of stress relief and self-care.

Today, I can honestly say that baking bread has had a profound impact on my health and well-being. I am grateful for the lessons I have learned through this simple yet powerful practice, and I believe that others can benefit from it as well. Whether you are struggling with a chronic illness or simply looking for a way to manage stress and improve your health, I highly recommend giving baking bread a try.

In conclusion, baking bread has become a source of comfort and healing for me in my battle against asthma, pancreatitis, and other illnesses. It has helped me find balance and peace and has encouraged me to make positive changes in my life. I hope that my story inspires others to explore the therapeutic benefits of baking bread and to incorporate it into their lives as a way of managing stress and improving their health.