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About Me

I learned to crochet as a child and picked it up agin in 2009. In 2013 I started designing for myself and in 2018 I finally started publishing my designs. I love creating patterns with intricate stitch patterns, fine yarns, and beautiful colors. I love charts! All my patterns are fully charted. I’m inspired by everything around me from geometric patterns in art to the flowers in my yard. I love the process of designing, of playing with a pattern until it is exactly right. I’m still learning to love the more tedious process of turning my samples into workable patterns.

I have just started a series of shawls with art deco inspiration in soft pastel colors and I have an ongoing series of shawls featuring jewel toned yarns and bold geometric patterns. All the patterns released so far are shown in lace weight yarns but are designed to be easily adjustable to any weight you choose.

Thank you so much for taking an interest in my designs!