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£999.99 (25% off)
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you now get R6 + R15 Versions when you buy the system

One of the best known gun systems on the platform ACS has been brought to a new level. Comes with a range of features from Custom Sounds depending on if your inside or outside to a third person. This Engine has it all. Wanting an advanced night vision system? Or locker system? WARFIGHTER has it. For only £15

Youtube playlist - Click here


CycleAimpart = T

CycleLaser = V

CycleLight = B

CycleFiremode = F

CheckMag = Y

Suppressor = J

ZeroDown = LeftBracket

ZeroUp = RightBracket

BrightUp = Equals

BrightDown = Minus

Alt look= CapsLock

ShoulderTapKey = H

PatrolKey = U

Change Gun Stance = LeftControl + Scrollwheel Up/Scrollwheel Down

Change Zoom = LeftShift + Scrollwheel Up/Scrollwheel Down

PlayerActionsSelf = Z

PlayerActionOthers = LeftAlt

MagnifierKey = RightAlt

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