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About CDBAuthor

Caitlin D Burnside is her PenName. CD can usually be found reading or writing books, and those books will more than likely be both fiction and non-fiction about Vampires and Witches. As a very shy person, she wrote her father's stories to fill her time spent alone. Creative Writing came in the form of extra curricular activities. Writing a novel was always on her bucket list,

Nowadays, the forced isolation due to the Pandemic was filled with writing said novel but she loves writing so much that she completed 5 double books and it became a series. Therefore, 2019-2020 were filled with writing, editing, proofreading, creating covers, formatting and even making an attempt at an eBook video trailer.

When not absorbed in homely pursuits, CD loves cooking, releases stress by doing Archery, Yoga and TaiChi, otherwise spends her downtime on her tablet, creating one story after another, epistolary-style, horror, paranormal or romance. She lives in Scotland, with her husband and extended family.