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What is Cackle Street?

Cackle street is a website that allows you to download cards for different occasions with a focus on unusual, gothic and witchy cards.

How does it work?

Simply pay and download and you'll receive a PDF file which contains your card ready for printing.

Do I need a special printer?

No, most printers can print on matte or glossy card. I have tested it out by printing cards using a £40 printer and it worked perfectly. You can print your greetings card onto normal white paper if you'd prefer, but the image quality might not be as good.

Once I've downloaded a card, can I print as many copies as I'd like?

Yes, you can print as many as you like as long as you're not printing them to sell.

Once I've printed my card, do I need to cut it to size?

Yes. When you print your card, you'll have to fold it in half, some cards come with a folding line which will look like the spine of a book when folded. With other cards you will have to fold where the picture ends (It'll be pretty obvious where to fold) once you've folded the card, there will most likely be some white edges as the card dimensions are slightly smaller than an A4 sheet of paper/card. You will have to trim the white edges off and then you'll have your card in all its glory!

Do you accept returns?

It would be quite difficult to return a file so no, we don't accept returns, however if you're having trouble downloading or if there's a problem with the file then we will make sure to help you.

If I've paid for a card, does it mean I own that image and design?

Legally, you don't own the image or design, so you can't use it for commercial purposes.

Can't you just print a card for me and send it?

Not at the moment, but we are working on that.