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-Mature content below-

Mature assets contain varying degrees of content that some people may not deem as appropriate towards certain audiences Elements may include;

  • Self-Harm
  • Scarring or flesh wounds, which pertain to grave injury.
  • Exposed Organs and/or Bone.
  • Elements pertaining to certain Phobias (Arachnophobia, Trypanophobia, Ommetaphobia etc)
  • Indication of drug use; pills, syringes or medical equipment.
  • Body Horror, excessive use of body parts of an 'uncanny valley nature'
  • Creepy or Unsettling textures, appearances or concepts.
  • Also the inclusion of other mature concepts, genitalia, toys and more.

If you're disturbed by the above points it is strongly recommended you do not view this content past the initial disclaimer images; by doing so is at your own risk.

I am not responsible for 'harm' or 'triggering' caused by the people who choose to buy or wear the models or assets containing my content from this page. I simply made it by people's desire and request to have content like this commercially available.

-This wall of text is your warning; by looking at these assets you agree that you're of age and are fine with seeing this content-