Cameron Kielb-- Author

I'm Cameron Kielb, and I write action packed fiction/fantasy.

It started with 'Hidden City', the first installment of The Kingdom Series about living in a world left in ruins by constant war. From the ashes of conflict, people with magical abilities rise and make their presence known.
Flash forward to a time when a young boy with magical abilities, named Mox, prepares to embark on quest to find his long lost father and discover what's behind a mysterious illness that has plagued society. On his journey he must navigate through the resent and mistrust between the magical 'Highlights' and ordinary 'Lowlights.' Along the way he meets some friends- namely Brand and Nikki, who in addition to their secret club, help him advance closer to his goals.

Book two, 'A Solemn Truth', represents the second installment in The Kingdom Series. 'A Solemn Truth' picks up in the aftermath of a deadly battle. Mox must learn the ways of a strange new city full of Highlight workers all while rescuing Nikki from a powerful yet evil man. Brand, who was left behind falls victim to a ruthless leader and is forced to make choices that could compromise his values. Hard choices have to be made and for every answer received, more questions seem to surface.

Book Three, 'Unity' was released September 2020. 
In the action-packed finale of The Kingdom, Mox explores his father’s fabled Kingdom and must learn to grow his powers if he hopes to thwart Zaffin and the Ceftin army from overtaking the world. All the while, slippery friendships and past relationships bring hard choices.

After suffering humiliating defeat from the Genos, Brand and Nikki must escape the confines of the only home they've ever known before falling victim to an uncertain death. The Free World-- a lawless badlands run by the powerful Purple Riders awaits their escape, ready to swallow them up. That is, if they can even make it there.

Ultimately, Mox, Brand, and Nikki, must overcome years of animosity and unite the people if there's going to be any hope of survival in this epic conclusion. The challenges are vast, and the sacrifices great.

I live in the Chicago land area with his wife, daughter, son, and two dogs.