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No Entry - a post apocalyptic action adventure


In The Dark - the Shadowboxer Files


Holster Hopper - a short action western adventure


Judged by Twelve - a classic western adventure


Boxcars - a fast paced sourthern noir


Incursion a Massive Sci Fi Alien Omnibus


Lucid - a classic murder mystery


House Rules - a thriller


Matter of Time - a sci fi adventure


Lost Wages - a Jack House thriller adventure


Velocity - a sci fi action adventure


Nexus Prime - a sci fi adventure


Bravo Actual - a Sci Fi Collection


Louche - a classic style murder mystery


Crash Corpse - a classic style murder mystery


About Me

Cold craft beer. Long hot runs. Days in the sun. Just a few of the ways author and adventurer Chris Lowry likes to spend his time when he's not creating new worlds, new life and new civilizations in science fiction, urban fantasy, post apocalyptic and mystery thrillers.