Lori furlow

My name is Lori Furlow. Grew up in a small town on the north shore of Long Island NY called Port Washington, in a single parent home with two brothers and my mom. I always felt like the world and everyone in it was my battle, i found myself on the run to nowhere but constantly searching for something everywhere. Found some peace in some places but not for long. So after all the running and the fighting of myself here now today I've found some meaning for my life, positive godly meaning. Today i think about people other then myself, through my bouts I've been blessed. I became a certified nurse assistant and I am now a recovery coach with the knowledge and experience to be of great help to other recovering addicts. I am an artist and the two mediums in which I choose to express myself are writing and visual arts. My life has been a self made battle and it took me a long time to realize this. Now at 53 I am aware and I am here by gods grace. There is no turning back. So my promise to me is to never give up on myself ever again. Today the Love I've been searching for I've found in me. That same Love is used to produce my art and I am here to share it with you.