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About Tracie

Hello! I am a Reiki Master Practitioner, author, and Science of Mind student with a passion for spiritual growth and healing. My journey in energy work began many years ago, and I have since dedicated my life to helping others access their own inner power to heal and transform their lives.

As a Reiki Master Practitioner, I use the Japanese technique of Reiki to channel healing energy to my clients. Through this powerful practice, I help people release emotional and physical blockages, reduce stress and anxiety, and find a sense of inner peace and balance.

As an author, I have written extensively on topics related to spiritual growth, self-discovery, and the power of the mind to create our reality. My writing reflects my deep commitment to helping others find their own path to healing and transformation.

In my studies of Science of Mind, I have learned how to apply the principles of positive thinking and the law of attraction to my own life and to help others do the same. I believe that we are all capable of creating the life we desire, and I strive to empower my clients to tap into their own innate power to do so.

Currently, I am working toward my Prayer Practitioner Certification, which will further deepen my understanding of the power of prayer and its ability to heal and transform our lives. I am excited to continue this journey of spiritual growth and healing, and I look forward to sharing my knowledge and expertise with those who seek it.


  • 5 Reasons I’m Thankful I Learned Reiki

    I had been in a place of such complete suffering that I felt the only thing left to do was surrender to Spirit and as soon as I let go, Spirit led me to Reiki.  In the years that followed so many healing changes took place in my life. Here are the top five benefits of learning Reiki that I am thankful for today:

  • Scientific Research and Reiki

    When it comes to energy healing work, many people are skeptical.  Reiki and other natural modalities are often not accepted as legitimate healing methods.  While there are some people who are willing to take a leap of faith and give Reiki a chance to see for themselves what it can do, others want to know if science can get behind Reiki. 

  • Reiki Explained: What It is and What It is Not

    Reiki has become a fairly common practice in many parts of the Western World.  There are still places, however, where it is largely unknown.  In the Midwestern United States, many people have never even heard of Reiki, let alone have any idea what it is. 

  • Answering Objections to Teaching Kids Reiki

    As the author of Reiki educational material for children, I have heard some objections to teaching kids Reiki.  While most Reiki practitioners are very accepting of the idea, there are some who believe that it isn’t right to teach Reiki to children.  I understand their concerns and would like to take time to answer the top five objections I hear against Reiki training for kids. 

  • 1 Way to Tell if You Are Meant to Be a Healer

    As a Reiki Master, part of my job is to train others in Reiki.  I want to help fellow Masters spread this wonderful modality throughout the world.  I want to help people discover Reiki and what it can do for them. 

    In my endeavor to reach students, I asked myself what it means to be a healer and what clues are there to let a person know if it is the right path for them. 

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