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My Story

Hey! I'm Sarah & I'm the designer behind Curious Cuts Design Ltd.

My Journey to this point has been long and some what messy, but so so worth it, read on if you'd like to know more.

My passion for design, has stemmed from long before I have memories, as a child I loved to watch interior design programmes & dreamed of owning my own home to put my ideas into fruition.

As I grew up, and in my early teenage years, I found a love for Graphic Design & Business studies, I dreamed that one day, I would be a successful business women.

Moving onto college I decided to take the leap and choose to study; Graphic Design, Textiles & Business studies.

After studying for 2 years, I decided to continue onto further study of design, Choosing to study Footwear Design at De Montfort university.

I enjoyed my degree, although I was somewhat distracted & I did not gel well with CAD, which at the time was not taught at great depth. In 2011 my second year I fell pregnant with Abigail, giving birth at 21, 3 weeks into my final year...

In 2012 completed my degree, gaining a 2:1, but due to the pressures I was under at home, This year my passion for Design dwindled & by the summer, when I was searching for design jobs, my passion had disappeared.

This was the beginning of a period in my life when I felt very lost. I took a full time job in retail banking & left my design dreams behind.

The next 5 years was a blur, I felt frustrated and heartbroken, that I had given up on my dreams & I was utterly lost in myself, although I wouldn't of admitted it at this stage, my mental health took a huge downturn.

When my son was born in 2017, I was hungry to be true to myself again... I needed something to help me gain control of my mental struggles.

This is where in 2018 Curious Cuts Paper Art was born.

I worked so hard, for 2 years to rebuild my skills, selling physical items on Etsy and via my Facebook page. But in 2020 when the Pandemic hit, I was struggling balancing my work life, home life and my small business.

In August 2020 I took the leap and started to sell my designs to other like minded people, This is where Curious Cuts Design was born, at this the point in my creative journey I felt I had been reborn. The support I received then and ever since has been incredible, mind blowing and completely overwhelming.

I now feel, the struggles( and there have been many) have been totally worth it to get to the point I am at whilst typing this.

Yes, my life is still a huge balancing act & I am by no means an expert at this yet...But boy I am loving the journey!!

Thank you for reading & supporting my dreams.
