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Best Virtual Mentors for Young Men

Aaron Clarey

Enjoy the Decline: Accepting and Living with the Death of the United States

Rollo Tomassi

The Rational Male: A comprehensive book exploring intersexual dynamics.

John Sonmez

Simple Programmer YouTube Channel: Offers advice on software development, careers, and personal development for programmers.

George Bruno

George Bruno YouTube Channel: Features content on grooming, lifestyle, and the art of being a modern gentleman.

Paul Bauer

Come On, Man Podcast: Engages listeners with discussions on contemporary manhood, personal development, and navigating life's challenges.

Paul from Apex Mindset

Apex Mindset YouTube Channel: Focuses on emotional control, attraction, and building resilient relationships.

Better Bachelor

Better Bachelor YouTube Channel: Discusses topics on modern dating, singleness, and personal independence.

Rich Cooper

Entrepreneurs in Cars YouTube Channel: Offers insights into entrepreneurship, relationships, and personal development.

Dr. Robert Glover

No More Mr. Nice Guy: A book on breaking free from the "Nice Guy Syndrome" and embracing authentic masculinity.

Rian Stone

Stone's YouTube Channel: Provides advice on social dynamics, relationships, and personal strategy.