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Ora-DBAssets Software

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Ora-DBAssets Software:

Ora-DBAssets is the software tool to use prior to starting your Change Data Capture, Migration projects or for any Oracle DBA's needing a spot check of their Oracle Databases. Couple Ora-DBAssets with our Oracle Migration/CDC E-book and you will have a massive heads tart.


"Seamless Shift: Navigating the Oracle Source Migration Journey" is a high and detailed level e-book that walks you through an Oracle Migration project, no fluff, just straight to the bullet points.

After running Ora-DBAssets and utilizing the E-book against your source Oracle database, you will obtain a report of pertinent information that is relative for all Migration and Change Data Capture projects.


  1. Ora-DBAssets: The name of the program.
  2. Assets: All Oracle Database objects and other database information that pertains to your current Oracle running database; relative to CDC and Migration projects.
  3. CDC: Change Data Capture, the capturing of all Inserts, Updates and Deletes as they occur, usually from Online Redo Logs.
  4. Migration: A lift and shift of an entire database to another server either on-premise or cloud.

For Change Data Capture(CDC) projects:

  1. Your source oracle database and server need to be prepped to accept your 3rd party replication tool, i.e. Oracle GoldenGate, Fivetran/HVR, Qlik, Streams, Stream Sets, IBM Data Replication or any replication software, all of them have the SAME Oracle requirements. Ora-DBAssets will prove your Oracle database is either ready or not for CDC replication projects (creating pipe-lines or channels).
  2. Coupled with prepping your source system, there is an Architecting need to design your CDC pipe-line(s). This is where the output from Ora-DBAssets will give you a head start on designing pipe-lines due to possible Oracle object issues that were flagged in the Ora-DBAssets output. Due to 3rd Party Replication Software methods, more Disk space will be utilized, but not to worry, Ora-DBAssets’ output will suggest how much space you will consume for your CDC temp files that will be created, thus knowing what to request when provisioning for your CDC project.
  3. With object information, you can estimate how long the instantiation period would take.
  4. If you've purchased Service hours from your chosen Replication company, hand this report over to your Replication Solutions Expert and they should know what to do with the report, you've really cut a lot of time off the project by doing this.
  5. And much more…

For Migrations:

  1. With the output from Ora-DBAssets, you can clearly filter any old and unused objects before you clone and migrate, it’s like having a fresh start with exactly what your business requires. Everything from Users to RDBMS jobs. 
  2. With object information, you can estimate how long an export/import would take.
  3. Also, you will know what you are exactly migrating.

For Oracle DBA’s:

  1. Run Ora-DBAssets to obtain a spot check of your oracle database assets and other object information.
  2. DBA’s can save the output file and within a few days+ and with a visual diff, you will see the difference in space, row counts, top queries and more.
  3. Run Ora-DBAssets before your internal audit to help you pass your audit.

How To Use Ora-DBAssets:

  1. Follow the prompts to download the Ora_DBAssets onto your client
  2. For Oracle on Linux, Transfer the ora_curr_state-linux_v# to your linux server that is connected to your local or remote Oracle database
  3. Run the following two commands after placing it on your desired linux server that has access to the Oracle database.
  4. shell>  chmod +x ora_curr_state-linux_v#
  5. To execute, run:
  6. shell> ./ora_curr_state-linux_v#
  7. For Oracle on Windows, Transfer the ora_curr_state_windows_v#.exe onto your Windows server that has access to your Oracle database
  8. To execute, double click on ora_curr_state_windows_v#.exe file
  9. Enter your license key that was provided to you when you downloaded Ora-DBAssets. If you don't have it ready, check your email.
  10. Answer the Five prompts:
  11. Database Host
  12. Database Port
  13. Database Service Name
  14. Database Username
  15. Database Password

Run Time:

  1. The run time can vary depending on the size and Architecture of the Oracle database.


  1. If you experience any errors, all errors will be written to a .log file in the same directory where your Ora-DBAssets is running from. Note: To resolve most errors, double check your connection values.

Report File:

  1. An output file with the results from the Ora-DBAssets with a name of output_v#.txt will also be written to the same directory where your Ora-DBAssets is running from.

Key Features and Benefits of the Report and Migration E-book:

  1. Database Schema Overview: The report provides a detailed overview of the current database schema, listing all tables, views, and stored procedures present in the Oracle database. This information is crucial for understanding the data structure and relationships, helping DBAs plan the migration and CDC strategy effectively.
  2. Data Volume and Complexity Analysis: Through comprehensive data analysis, the report highlights the volume and complexity of the data residing in the Oracle database. DBAs gain valuable insights into the size of the database and the level of intricacy within it, enabling them to allocate appropriate resources and plan for data migration efficiently.
  3. Object Dependencies and Relationships: Understanding the dependencies and relationships between various database objects is pivotal for a successful migration and CDC project. The report presents a clear picture of these connections, ensuring that DBAs can manage and preserve data integrity during the migration process.
  4. CDC Readiness Assessment: For CDC projects, the report assesses the Oracle database's readiness for implementing Change Data Capture. It identifies the relevant tables and columns suitable for CDC and outlines the changes required to enable CDC functionality.
  5. Data Mapping and Compatibility Guidance: The report offers guidance on data mapping and compatibility between the source and target databases, considering any schema differences. This critical information helps DBAs streamline the data transformation process during migration and ensures data consistency post-migration.
  6. Recommended Migration Strategy: Based on the database assessment, the report proposes a tailored migration strategy, recommending the most suitable approach such as online or offline migration, database consolidation, or cloud migration. DBAs can leverage these recommendations to align the migration plan with specific business requirements.
  7. CDC Implementation Best Practices: To facilitate an efficient CDC setup, the report presents best practices for Change Data Capture implementation. It covers choosing the appropriate CDC methods, setting up CDC agents, and managing data replication.
  8. Performance and Security Optimization: The report identifies potential performance bottlenecks and security vulnerabilities in the Oracle database. It offers recommendations for optimizing database performance through index creation, data partitioning, and access control, ensuring the migrated system's stability.
  9. Data Backup and Rollback Strategies: To safeguard against unforeseen issues during migration, the report outlines robust data backup and rollback strategies. These strategies provide a safety net for DBAs to restore the database to its previous state if needed.
  10. Post-Migration Validation and Support: The report emphasizes the importance of thorough testing and validation post-migration. It helps DBAs identify and rectify any post-migration issues and offers ongoing support to ensure a seamless transition.

Security Note:

  1. There is no querying of your actual application tables.
  2. One output report that is in your environment will be created.
  3. The only API(GET) call Ora-DBAssets Software will perform, is the license verification.
  4. User system or a user with system privileges is required to produce your report.
  5. ORA-DBAssets software runs in your environment.
  6. To Test Ora-DBAssets to resolve any concerns:
  7. Create a VM with either Windows or Linux
  8. Then create an Oracle DB, any version will do
  9. Transfer Ora-DBAssets to your newly create VM/OracleDB
  10. Run Ora_DBAssets with any scan of your choice

Supported Oracle Versions:

  1. Ora-DBAssets should be able to run for all Oracle versions.

Types of Migrations and CDC pipe-lines Ora-DBAssets Supports(Oracle Database source only):

  1. On-Prem to Cloud.
  2. OnPrem to OnPrem.
  3. Cloud to OnPrem.

In need of CDC or Migration consultation?

I'd be happy to assist you with any of the following:

  1. A CDC or Migration project from start to end no matter the Database or Cloud flavor.
  2. Maybe you just want to know how to start a CDC or a Migration project?
  3. Current Health check of your database or your CDC pipelines, are you using your CDC Software to its full potential?
  4. Maybe you're in the middle of a CDC project and you've hit a wall.
  5. With my experience with various replication software's, I can also assist in choosing the right CDC Replication Software.
  6. If I'm an Oracle site, do I use DataGuard or do I use CDC replication to Migrate? I'll help you.
  7. I can sit in on demos when CDC Replication Software companies schedule a demo, and I will know if the demo is too light weight to just impress.
  8. If you want to replace one CDC Replication Software with another, I will be happy to assist.

NOTE: I don't have any affiliation with any CDC Replication Software company, though I've worked for a few in my career and this is why I'll suggest the best for you.

Database CDC/Migration Consultation Contact Information:

Name: Chris


Phone: (650) 265-1193‬

Expertise - CDC/Migrations for:

SOURCEs: Oracle, SqlServer, PostgreSql, MySql, DB2i/zOS/DB2luw, MongoDB, Managed Databases in AWS or Azure

TARGETs: Sowflake, Azure, Kafka, AWS, GCP, PostgreSql, Oracle, MySql, SqlServer, FileServer

FileTypes: JSON, Parquet, CSV, Avro, Txt

Issues, Comments, Questions or Suggestions: 

Send an email to

Please do text or call if any technical issues: ‪(252) 506-9328‬