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Get In Touch

In need of CDC or Migration consultation?

I'd be happy to assist you with any of the following:

  1. A CDC or Migration project from start to end no matter the Database or Cloud flavor.
  2. Maybe you just want to know how to start a CDC or a Migration project?
  3. Current Health check of your database or your CDC pipelines, are you using your CDC Software to its full potential?
  4. Maybe you're in the middle of a CDC project and you've hit a wall.
  5. With my experience with various replication software's, I can also assist in choosing the right CDC Replication Software.
  6. If I'm an Oracle site, do I use DataGuard or do I use CDC replication to Migrate? I'll help you.
  7. I can sit in on demos when CDC Replication Software companies schedule a demo, and I will know if the demo is too light weight to just impress.
  8. If you want to replace one CDC Replication Software with another, I will be happy to assist.

NOTE: I don't have any affiliation with any CDC Replication Software company, though I've worked for a few in my career and this is why I'll suggest the best for you.

Database CDC/Migration Consultation Contact Information:

Name: Chris


Phone: (650) 265-1193‬

Expertise - CDC/Migrations for:

SOURCEs: Oracle, SqlServer, PostgreSql, MySql, DB2i/zOS/DB2luw, MongoDB, Managed Databases in AWS or Azure

TARGETs: Sowflake, Azure, Kafka, AWS, GCP, PostgreSql, Oracle, MySql, SqlServer, FileServer

FileTypes: JSON, Parquet, CSV, Avro, Txt

Comments or Issues:

Use this Form in addition to email to contact us for any comments or errors you may experience.

Ora-DBAssets errors:

  1. Paste the contents from your .log file
  2. Paste your license key
  3. Paste the error message from the console.
  4. In your own words, what was the error

In addition:

Send an email to

Please do text or call if any technical issues: (650) 265-1193‬