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Red Dwarf III Scene - The Last Day

I finally busted out my Panasonic HC-W850 to record this little project and smushed it all together in Da Vinci Resolve. 

This is a scene from Red Dwarf III: The Last Day. Arnold Rimmer and Dave Lister discussing Kryten 2X4B 523P being replaced. In the original scene involving Chris Barrie as Arnold Rimmer and Craig Charles as Dave Lister, Lister says 'He's been programmed to believe in AN Android Heaven.' When jotting down the lines to re-enact the scene, I heard it as and wrote 'to believe in Android Heaven.' 

When I came to film the scene, I accidentally said 'Silicon Heaven'. When I realised, it was too late to reshoot (well ... I couldn't be bothered setting up all the equipment again...) but it felt strangely familiar. I had a quick search to refresh my memory that the Android Heaven is in fact called Silicon Heaven! I assumed that Craig Charles must have said the line wrong, or it had maybe been called Android Heaven briefly during production, as for the rest of the episode it is referred to as Silicon Heaven. But it wasn't anything as interesting as that, I'd just written the line down wrong. 

For the YouTube thumbnail, I went to my go-to for comic fonts: and used GAMMA RAYS. I used a quick black stroke effect and added a drop shadow, using a second layer of the text behind the first. I made the text black and moved it down and to the right, creating a shadow. For larger pieces of text, I'd usually link up the corners between the text and the 'shadow' to make for a smoother look. However, this is mainly used as a thumbnail so I didn't think it would be all that noticeable.

Thanks for reading (and watching!),


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