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The Paper Samples Still Haven't Arrived

The paper samples I requested a little over 2 weeks ago still haven't arrived and I'm getting impatient! That being said, I'm pushing forward in other areas.

As well as looking into printing costs for individual issues, art prints, collector trading cards and other assorted bits 'n' bobs I think you're all going to love, I'm also looking into a collected TPB of Space Precinct Zero, for when the whole story is said and done.

It's very exciting to have the information at hand. It makes it feel a little more real. These books are going to be printed and in your hands! I've been dealing with digital for too long!

As well as all the printing, I'm looking for a location to house all of the boxes full of these wonderful books and prints. It'll allow me to really stretch out and fulfil orders properly as well as provide better updates on where we are with each project. It's hard work trying to put something together with a wife and two kids in the house!

I'm producing super special print-only alternative lettering, so if you've read the digital, maybe you'll still want to pick up the printed copy to check them out!

There are also a couple of other projects that may or may not be joining Space Precinct Zero in the possible above-mentioned storage unit too, so you should try and watch out for those!

AND, I still haven't managed to curb my excessive use of exclamation marks...!