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my paperback coloring books available on Amazon

Realistic Dog Portraits coloring book

These coloring pages are created from real life dog pictures

Horse coloring book

A beautiful cover of horse pictures to inspire your creative side. Several horse portraits from the cover throughout the interior coloring pages.

Dog-tastic coloring book

A beautiful cover full of dog pictures to inspire your creative side. Numerous dog portraits from the cover throughout the interior coloring pages.

Cat-tastic coloring book

A beautiful cover full of cat pictures to inspire your creative side. Numerous cat portraits from the cover throughout the interior coloring pages.

Puppy-licious coloring book

A beautiful cover full of puppy pictures to inspire your creative side. Numerous puppy portraits from the cover throughout the interior coloring pages.

Kitten-tastic coloring book

A beautiful cover full of kitten pictures to inspire your creative side. Numerous kitten portraits from the cover throughout the interior coloring pages.

my paperback notebooks available on Amazon

Puppy-licious notebook

120 lined pages for your stories with several Puppy silhouettes throughout to inspire you

Kitten-tastic notebook

120 lined pages for your stories with several Kitten silhouettes throughout to inspire you

Dog-tastic notebook

120 lined pages for your stories with several Dog silhouettes throughout to inspire you

Cat-tastic notebook

120 lined pages for your stories with several Cat silhouettes throughout to inspire you

sunset notebook

a 120 page lined notebook for your ideas