Diane Lee is author of the Love & Other Stuff series and other various scribblings, and Ninja Queen at Delicious Publishing. A former English teacher, she now works part-time in corporate learning and development.
She has a Master of Arts in a Communication Management and has also worked in various public relations and marketing communication roles. She is a huge fan of the Oxford comma and probably overuses em dashes.
Diane is the mother of a well-behaved daughter, the employee of a much adored cat and chronically single.
Her main claims to fame are serendipitously touching Benedict Cumberbatch at OzComicCon in 2014 and making Markus Zusak—author of The Book Thief—guffaw at his book signing. Bruce Campbell retweeted her once and Justin Timberlake may have read her blog.
Diane lives in Adelaide, South Australia. http://www.deliciouspublishing.com.au
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