Omoyin Samuel Oluwatosin

My name is Omoyin Samuel Oluwatosin. I'm 21 years of age, dark in completion, and @ an abt an average height. I studied computer science @ Moshood Abiola Polytechnic, Abeokuta Ogun state where I obtained my Ordinary National Diploma (OND). I have been passionate about web development since I was introduced to it's functionality and dynamicity @ a program I undergo during my ND days which I called SIWES(Student Industrial Work Experience Scheme). Afterwards I'd tried to take up an expect of web development "PHP". On the contrary, I can pure HTML codes as well as CSS, JAVASCRIPT. I got to know in life that "It's what u don't give a trial that seems pretty difficult, but once u start having a strong desire not just to know it, but also to understand the concept behind it, then it's only a matter of time before u have full control of that difficult task".