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The Summer 30 Day "Walking Like a Boss" Challenge

Introducing The Summer 30 Day "Walking Like a Boss" Challenge

It's Summer Vacation!

I have finally started my summer vacation, so with that comes the intention to walk more. 

To be honest, I was doing really well with walking 10,000 steps a day until 2020. COVID-19 stopped me in my tracks and forced me to live in front of my computer for super long hours. Fast forward about two and a half years, and things are getting back to normal (slowly, maybe, for now, perhaps), and walking 10,000 steps is a real challenge for me.

So, I have decided that one thing I am definitely going to be doing this summer is walking 10,000 steps a day during my vacation.


Anyway, I am the type who likes to journal challenges that feel big to me, and I love having company! So, I created the Summer 30 Day "Walking Like A Boss" Challenge.

Who is this challenge for, and what will I do in it?

If you are like me and need to get away from the screen or up from the sofa and go outside to build up your walking practice, this challenge is for you.

You will:

  • identify your reasons for wanting to build your walking practice.
  • identify your small, achievable goals and larger long-term goals that you will be working towards.
  • plan possible destinations, dates, times, companions, and what to take with you.
  • record your experiences, distances or times, and how you are feeling.
  • take photos and share your destinations if you wish (I am really looking forward to seeing where everyone is walking. I will be sharing my walks around Kyoto, so you will be able to see this beautiful city even without being able to travel here).
  • take selfies every day so you can compare how you look at the beginning of the challenge and if you have changed at all over the course of the challenge.
  • reflect on your walking on a weekly basis so you can continue to improve your practice.
  • have access to affirmations that you can think about as you walk.
  • have access to motivational quotes that you can put up around the house or in your journal to get you going each day.
  • have access to wall art to keep you motivated each week.
  • build your own challenge journal as you complete each activity during the 30 days. This will become a treasure for you in the future as you recall how much you achieved, where you went, who you met, what you saw, etc. during these 30 days. I hope that this will motivate you to continue walking past the 30 days of the challenge.
  • join the community in the challenge classroom on Payhip, get encouragement, encourage others, and find accountability partners if you want.

What if I can't walk 10,000 steps?

This is not a problem at all! You define how much you want to walk, where, and when. This challenge is just about building a walking practice. You will find that even if you can't walk very far on Day 1, you will be able to walk quite a bit further on Day 30 of your walking (barring illness, injury, or other such deterrents). If you walk 500 steps today, and 500 steps tomorrow and the next day, and the next, and so on, it will be a smidge easier each day. You will get to a point where you will walk 550 or 600 steps without too much trouble. The challenge encourages consistency through daily walking. And the community is there to cheer you on!

What if I don't have time to walk?

If you can't do a longer walk all at once, you can measure your steps in a day using your mobile phone. This is a great idea if you are having a busy day/week/month and want to slip a bit more walking into it. Try thinking how you can add some steps to your day, then do it. Committing to the challenge will shift your focus to adding steps to your usual routine.

So, how much does it cost?

I really want to get out and walk, and I'd love some (virtual) company, so the Summer 30 Day "Walking Like a Boss" Challenge is being offered for a limited time for only $5.00, which is includes access to everything described above. I doubt that I will run any challenges so cheaply again, so jump in now, get motivated, get outside and walking and sharing with our global walking group!

What if something happens so I can't finish the challenge?

Life is busy for all of us, and sometimes throws us curve balls. You can still download the materials and continue when you have time. However, I am very sorry, but we are unable to refund the small cost of the challenge.

How can I join?

Go to the Summer 30 Day "Walking Like a Boss" Challenge Sales Page. Pay by credit card, and you are in. You will receive a new day's contents and materials each and every day, so bookmark the challenge page when you log in.

I hope you see you inside the Summer 30 Day "Walking Like a Boss" Challenge! I really can't wait to meet you!