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This is the cover page of the Summer 30 Day "Walking Like a Boss" Challenge journal that you create during the 30 days of identifying reasons and goals, planning, implementing your plans, reflecting on your progress, using affirmations and motivational qu
The Summer 30 Day "Walking Like a Boss" Challenge
Introducing The Summer 30 Day "Walking Like a Boss" ChallengeIt's Summer Vacation!I have finally started my summer vacation, so with that comes the intention to walk more. To be honest, I was doing really well with walking 10,000 steps a day unt...
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My Daily To-Do's
Welcome to AprilIt's already April, and the cherry blossoms in full bloom in Kyoto! Going anywhere is just so beautiful at this time of the year. If you haven't visited Kyoto in spring, put it on your bucket list! You will be so glad you did!April is...
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This image is of the free printable  infographic that can help you tackle the piles of papers in your house. Start with your working pile, follow the steps, and when you understand how to implement the system, choose the next most important pile to tackle
Getting serious about household cleaning: Paper clutter
The March blog posts are about ways to make your life easier, so yesterday I wrote about decluttering spaces and today we will consider how to process paper clutter. There is also a free printable infographic available to remind you of...
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Getting serious about household cleaning and organization: Decluttering the Flylady way
In yesterday’s blog post, I explained that this month I would like to introduce you to resources to support you in your life, introducing The Flylady System. Today's post explains the first step in the Flylady system, and that is to begin to build ...
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We're already two months in to 2022, so now is the time to get seriously focused
It's March 1st in my part of the world. I can't believe we are two months into 2022 already, and it is finally starting to feel like spring here!I just wanted to connect with you during March about some amazing resources that can support you in your ...
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February is about love!
February is about love, and our new Valentine's Day Preparation Kit and the Kawaii self-care journal support the celebration of love for others and love for self, respectively.We are based in Kyoto, Japan, so February begins with a huge festival, cal...
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meditation journal cover dragonflies dragonfly watercolor violet
Ebisu's Publishing proud to announce our first printable product available today!
Ebisu's Publishing is very proud to announce the opening of our business with the Dragonfly Meditation Journal. This is the first of many products that will be added to our new Payhip site over the coming months. We are so excited about this journal ...
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