Ernisa B Media Group

Ernisa Barnwell is a Mother, Entrepreneur & Woman of God. Born in Jamaica/Queens, New York to the now late Mrs. Wilma Walker Ayeni of Sylvania, GA , and Mr. Ernest Elton Barnwell of Guyana, South America. Barnwell was reared in New York and St. Petersburg, Fl. Barnwell is the mother of one son named Khalid Davis. At a glance, Barnwell began to read the Holy Bible(KJV) daily at age 10, as a course of study at Allen Christian School in Jamaica, New York. She is actively involved in a digital ministry called “ Morning Word of Encouragement". Barnwell has also enjoyed hosting a radio show on WRXB entitled,“Life Question/ Bible answer“. And has been a guest on the Bill Bunkley Show on WTBN 570 AM, and Matters of the heart Radio Broadcast with Host Denise Wright. Barnwell has also volunteered as a prayer partner on the prayer line at Christian Television Network, where she prayed with multiple individuals on an inbound call basis. Barnwell has a passion for empowering our youth and has hosted a conference called "Saint Petersburg Youth Empowerment Conference". She teaches a program that she developed for youth girls enitled, Hair Braiding Starlets™. Hair Braiding Starlets™ in it’s debut made City of St. Petersburg History. The program generated the most revenue in the classification of classes offered in the Parks and Recreation Division. BARDA Enterprises International Inc. was featured in the St. Petersburg Times News Paper which is now the Tampa Bay Times newspaper. The story ran in the State Edition of newspaper. The full page feature story is entitiled "Braiding Twines a way to success". This article is one you will enjoy reading to learn of the beginnings of BARDA..... FOLLOW THIS LINK TO LEARN MORE The Founder of BARDA HAIR BRAIDING COLLEGE TM has worked for Industry names such as Estee Lauder as a promotional Makeup artist (serving West Coast Florida), and many more. The Founder of BARDA HAIR BRAIDING COLLEGE ™, Ernisa Barnwell has done print and runway makeup. She has also worked as a promotional makeup artist for Estee Lauder, beside acclaimed makeup artists such as Tammy Slider(managed Donald Trump's Mar a Lago Spa ) , Beau- Haim Harang (World Traveled Make up Artist/ Presidnt of GÜZEL LLC.) and Christopher Fulton (Beauty by Christopher/ Makeup Artist to the NYC Socialites). Ernisa Barnwell has been braiding hair since the age 6 years old, and had perfected most core techniques of Hair Braiding by age 10. She has worked in the professional salon setting as an apprentice under the leadership of Master Cosmetologist/ Cosmetology Instructor ,(the late) Louis Reedy , throughout her adolescent and early adulthood. Tourism, and event attraction hair braiding have also been areas of performance for Ernisa Barnwell as a hair braider at The Baywalk/ Downtown St. Petersburg, Fl (now known as The Sundial), and The Historic Princess Martha/ Downtown St. Petersburg, FL. She is the owner of Newly formed Beauty-cation™ travel service. Her favorite scriptures are hard to narrow down to one so here are a few……. Proverbs 18:16 A man’s gift maketh room for him and bringeth him before great men. Philippians 4:11 Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content. Psalms 91:2 I will say of the LORD, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in him will I trust.