After hundereds of hours of work I'm proud to present the best graphic design drive you have ever seen.
Main features

FIFA Folders
The drive includes assets from all FIFA's ranging from FIFA 09 all the way to FIFA 22. The different FIFA's are neatly organized into their own folders and comes with brushes, backgrounds, game files and more!

Kitswap Assets
A long with the amazing FIFA folders you will also get an unrivalled kitswap assets folder including patterns, previews, badges and sponsor for almost ALL teams in the TOP 5 leagues.

Graphics Pack
In the drive there is a top of the line graphics pack for everyone passionate about making posters, graphical edits, banners and other graphic related images.

Hi my name is Isak, but you probably know me better as Exo. I've been making and selling drives for almost 3 years now. I have an eye for detail and I have no problem spending hours upon hours a day working on just one asset. With over 200 unique and happy customers I can ensure you that my products will please your expectations. Any questions? Dm me on Instagram, @Exofifa_. Thanks.