Don't Break
Money Talk
The Untold Story of Judas Iscariot (eBook)
About Us
Gbookz is an ardent pastime, cultivated with love for the empowerment of others. From pre-made printables for t-shirt graphics, mug/glass wraps, inserts for frames and any print-on items in PNG and JPG files, to eBooks in PDF format. You can also request your own merch graphics for your Girl's Trip, Girlfriends Get-Away, Men's Club, Country Club, Anniversary, Birthday, Co-operate Dinner/Gathering or any other special occasions.
This notion originated in late 2019, but got more immersed during the peak of the pandemic in 2020. The passion for greater good in every possibility given. A mind, embellish on daily strength of hope through faith. That drive or force to demonstrate the most outstanding feature each step forward can bring. Behind every constriction, with much determination applied, we can accomplish that objective that is high beyond that mark obscure. Growth by experiences are the pieces of us. Let's walk together.
Welcome and be profoundly blessed.
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