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Terms Of Service (TOS)

Via purchasing my product you have proceeded to agree that you have read these terms and hereby agree to follow and adhere to my terms of service and that I am not liable for your actions.

Please remember, by uploading a NSFW Avatar and using them in public you are liable for being banned.

Failure to adhere to terms of service will result in fines and legal action. You may be asked to cease and remove.

Unless otherwise stated, some products will NOT be commercial.

By purchasing any of my products you agree to adhere to and follow the terms of service.

Under no circumstances may you redistribute this item to any websites, friends, family etc. They MUST purchase for themselves, or you gift it to them directly via the shop.

✗┊ You may NOT - price split /share / re-publish / re-sell- model, parts, setup or settings. You may not claim as your own. For Personal Private use only unless otherwise stated.

✗┊ You may gift model/asset but Only via the Purchase Form (discord and vrchat must be provided of whom you are gifting it to) Users using this model without purchasing will be considered as infringement act.

✗┊ You may NOT upload to any ripper/leaker websites, discord etc. If found you and everyone within are thereby blacklisted permanently and are subjected to possible fines and legal actions.

✗┊ You May NOT use parts of the product model/my edits on other projects, unless you are making particular edit for public or personal with PROPER crediting. Nothing of this page and files is meant to be a re-use/copy/base/learn material.

✗┊ You are allowed to use my models/assets privately in other VR/social platforms, original packages set up for VRChat.

✗┊ You may NOT upload publicly for any VR/social platforms.

✗┊ You are allowed to use my models/assets for media, streaming and video creation. However If product is being used as identity and actively involve with monetized content, must include/provide proper credits.

✗┊ Failure to input correct Discord/Vrchat at checkout renders your license invalid. I personally check each and every purchase.

Product is final and non-refundable. Refund = Blacklist

The copyright in a work initially belongs to the author(s) who created that work. Copyright exists automatically in an original work of authorship once it is fixed in a tangible medium.

This 3D asset is protected by Copyright Law, illegal distribution and failure to abide by the given Terms of Service of the said asset can be subjected to fines between $200 to $150,000, infringer pays actual dollar amount of damages and profits made by said stolen asset, the infringer will pay all attorney fees and court costs, illegal iterations of the stolen work can be impounded and possible jail time.

If you need more information on copyright please visit, for more information.