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About the Author

Heather Erdmann is a Christian wife, mom, dental hygienist, devotional writer for Lifeway, and author of "A Week in the Word: Dig Deep into God's Word One Passage and One Week at a Time" and “Unlocking the Mystery of Marriage: Loving Your Spouse the Way Christ Loves the Church”.

She loves helping Christian women grow in their knowledge of the Bible and live out their God-given roles to be the women, wives, and mothers He designed them to be.

Her experience includes online training from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary and the Biblical Counseling Institute. For over 30 years she has written devotions and Bible studies for women, taught children’s Sunday School and Vacation Bible school, and participated in homeschool curriculum development.

She also plays flute and oboe for her local church worship team. When not working or writing, she loves drinking coffee with friends, studying the Bible, cuddling (or napping with) her kitties, taking day trips with her family, or camping with her husband.

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